The Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, of George Mason University

George Mason University

Krasnow Institute > Monday Seminars > Abstracts

Cognitive Research:
A Look at the Policy Issues
James L. Olds Ph.D.
Director & CEO Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study
Shelley Krasnow University Professor, George Mason University

Basic biomedical research, the sort of research most brain researchers conduct at institutions like Krasnow, was supported last year by the US taxpayer to the tune of nearly $17 billion from the NIH alone. The work we engage in at the laboratory bench, computer or behavioral apparatus enjoys unprecedented bipartisan support in Congress and the White House. Research!America, a grassroots advocacy organization, has reported time and again the results of polls and focus groups, all of which clearly demonstrate a deep appreciation of the American people for the notion of basic biomedical research as the basis for concrete advances in public health.

With all of this good news, why should brain researchers even worry about such mundane activities as public outreach and advocacy?

From my point of view, this question has both ethical and practical (read political)components. Those of us who receive federal support for our research often forget that the budget process is complex, hard fought and often involves very difficult choices. In this talk, I'll try to summarize the process, and discuss the endpoint, funding for our experiments, from both the ethical and political perspectives.

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