The Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, of George Mason University

George Mason University

Krasnow Institute > Monday Seminars > Abstracts


Kathryn Blackmond Laskey
Department of Systems Engineering
and Krasnow Institute George Mason University

The philosopher Nicholas Rescher called rationality "the survival instrument of the human species." A deeply held conviction about the importance of rational inquiry lies at the core of the scientific enterprise. This talk begins with a brief overview of the evolution of Western views of rationality. The evolution of probability and utility theory as a calculus of rational belief and action is discussed. Challenges to Bayesian decision theory are reviewed, including claims of descriptive inadequacy, failure to capture important aspects of intelligent thought and behavior, and infeasibility due to bounded complexity of real agents. The talk concludes with a discussion of the relationship between rationality and intelligence, and the role of Bayesian decision theory in the study of intelligent agency.

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