The Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, of George Mason University

George Mason University

Krasnow Institute > Monday Seminars > Abstracts

Wiring up the Model:
The Need for Biologically Realistic Neuro-development
in Large Scale Hippocampal Network Simulations

Jim Olds
American Association of Anatomists and Krasnow Institute

Computational neuroscience is dependent upon high fidelity of models. This is particularly true for a structure as complex as the mammalian hippocampal formation. Our recent work on a large scale hippocampal model has emphasized biological realism in both the physiological and anatomical dimmensions. This talk will focus on the anatomical side of that effort. We will define the concept of Minimal Functional Unit (MFU). Using the MFU as a goal for delineating the neuronal constituents of our model, we will then explore constraints on both axons and dendrites and finally propose a strategy for achieving high fidelity, both at the level of cytoarchitectures and in the connectivity matrix for the MFU.

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