The Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, of George Mason University

George Mason University

Krasnow Institute > Monday Seminars > Abstracts

Molecular Alterations In Alzheimer's Disease: Studies in Fibroblasts and Neuronal Cells

Rene Etcherberrigarray
Georgetown Institute for Cognitive and Computational Science
Georgetown University

Several alterations have been described in fibroblasts of Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients including alterations in calcium regulation, protein kinase C (PKC) and potassium (K+) channels. Potassium channel dysfunction was demonstrated both directly using patch-clamp and indirectly using calcium imaging. Studies have also found reduced levels of the -isoform of PKC in brains and fibroblasts of AD patients. Since PKC is known to regulate ion channels, we studied K+ channel activity in fibroblasts from AD patients in the presence of (2S, 5S)-8-(1-decynyl) benzolactam V (BL), a novel , isozyme-selective activator of PKC. We present evidence for restoration of normal K+ channel function, as measured by TEA-induced [Ca2+]i elevations, due to activation of PKC with this BL. Immunoblotting analyses using an isozyme-specific PKC antibody confirm that BL-treated fibroblasts of AD patients show increased PKC activation. The present study suggests that PKC activator based restoration of K+ channels may offer another attractive approach to the investigation of AD pathophysiology which in turn could lead to the development of a valuable model for AD therapeutics.

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