( ; ; +1-703-673-8894)
Work:Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study at George Mason University
Rm. 223, Mail Stop 2A1, Fairfax VA 22030-4444 – Ph. +1(703) 993-4383
Home:11234 Robert Carter Rd., Fairfax Station, VA 22039
Dr. Giorgio A. Ascoli received a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Neuroscience
from the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa, Italy, and continued his research
at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD, to investigate protein
structure and binding in the nervous system. He moved to the Krasnow
Institute for Advanced Study at George Mason University in 1997, where he is
University Professor in the Bioengineering Department and Neuroscience
Program. He is also founder and Director of the Center for Neural
Informatics, Structures, & Plasticity, a transdisciplinary research
group that includes biologists, physicists, psychologists, computer
scientists, mathematicians, engineers, and physicians. Dr. Ascoli is
founding Editor-in-Chief of the journal Neuroinformatics and an editorial
board member of several other international journals. He serves on the
advisory board of numerous scientific organizations and is Past President of
the Potomac Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience. Dr. Ascoli contributed
to the establishment of the fields of computational neuroanatomy and
neuroinformatics. His own laboratory investigates the relationship between
brain structure, activity, and function from the cellular to the circuit
level. In the long term, Dr. Ascoli seeks to create large-scale,
anatomically plausible neural networks to model entire portions of a
mammalian brain, such as the hippocampus. Dr. Ascoli’s interests also
involve human memory and consciousness.
Dr. Ascoli’s funding portfolio includes current grants from NIH (two NINDS
R01s and one NIMH U01) and recent awards from NSF (Robust Intelligence and
two BRAIN EAGERs), Northrop Grumman, and Burroughs-Wellcome Trust. This
funding sums up to 20+ years of continuous extramural support from several
public and private institutions, including the National Institutes of
Health, National Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research, Air Force
Research Lab, Virginia Alzheimer’s Fund, DARPA, IARPA, Keck Foundation,
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, International Neuroinformatics Coordinating
Facility, and the Society for Neuroscience. Dr. Ascoli’s lab staffs a
personnel of >20 and multiple full-time employees with PhDs. Recent
publications include papers in Nature Reviews Neuroscience, New England
Journal of Medicine, Neuron, Trends in Neuroscience, Nature Methods,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, PLoS Biology, eLife, and
Nature Communications, in addition to cover articles in Journal of
Neuroscience, Hippocampus, Neuroimage, Neuroscience, Learning & Memory,
and Cortex. Dr. Ascoli’s research has been cited in peer-reviewed journals
over 6000 times since 1995 and was described in textbooks and in the
national press. His 2015 book “Trees of the Brain, Roots of the Mind” was
published by MIT Press. Dr. Ascoli received the 2012 Outstanding Faculty
Award of the State Council for Higher Education of Virginia.
Born on 7/7/1970; U.S. and Italian citizen.
Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa, Italy):
in Biochemistry and Neuroscience, December 1996.
Fellowships:Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 1995
National Research Council, 1996
Thesis:Biochemical and Spectroscopic Characterization of Cp20, a Protein
Involved in Synaptic Plasticity Mechansims (Mentor: Prof. P. Salvadori)
in Chemistry and Physics, December 1991.
Scholarships:Scuola Normale Superiore, 1988-91
ENPAS, 1987-89; INPDAI, 1990-91
Pisa University:
in Chemistry and Biochemistry, November 1993.
Honors:summa cum laude
INPDAI fellowship (Italian 5 top chemistry students), 1991-93
Thesis:Study of the Interactions Between Human Serum Albumin and Small
Organic Molecules. (Mentor: Prof. P. Salvadori)
Language skills:Italian and English (fluent); French, Spanish, and Hebrew
Feb. 2009 - present: University Professor, George Mason University.
July 2015 - present: Bioengineering Department.
Feb. 2009 - Jun 2015: Molecular Neuroscience Department
Recipient of the 2012
Outstanding Faculty Award
of the State Council for Higher Education of Virginia.
Co-recipient of the 2012 Scholarship Award College of Humanities &
Social Sciences (CENTEC Team), George Mason University.
Sept. 2006 - present: Founding Director, Center for Neural Informatics,
Structure, & Plasticity, Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study.
Sept. 2005 - Jan 2009: Professor, Molecular Neuroscience Department, George
Mason University.
Sept. 2001 - Aug. 2005: Associate Professor, Psychology Department, George
Mason University. Tenured in 2003.
July 1999 – Aug. 2006:Research Professor, Krasnow Institute for Advanced
Study, and Head, Computational Neuroanatomy Group.
Sept. 1999 - Aug. 2001:Visiting Assistant Professor, Psyc. Dept., George
Mason University.
Jan. 1997 - June 1999:Research Assistant Professor, Krasnow Institute,
George Mason Univ. Work in computational and experimental neuroscience.
1994 - 1997:Guest Researcher in the Lab of Adaptive Systems, NIH, with Dr.
D. Alkon. Work on purification and structural characterization of neuronal
proteins involved in synaptic plasticity.
Fall 1995:Study of GAP-43 and PKC, regulatory proteins involved in neuronal
growth, with Prof. F. Cattabeni, Milan University (Italy).
Summer 1994:Scholar at the Marine Biological Lab in Woods Hole (MA), work
with Dr. J. Olds on confocal microscopy of PKC in living cells.
Jan. - Nov. 1993:Internship at the Italian National Research Council, to
study the stereochemistry of chiral macromolecules with Prof. P. Salvadori.
Winter 1992:Procter & Gamble Research Grant at the Technical Center of
Bruxelles (Belgium), work on the properties of microemulsions.
Aug. - Oct. 1990:Summer student at the University of Michigan, work with
Prof. V. Massey on cloning, expression and purification of glycolate
Jan. 1990:Design and synthesis of a new catalytic compound (Ph3AlI4) in the
laboratory of Prof. F. Calderazzo at the University of Pisa. Awarded the
“Philips International Prize for Young Researchers – 1990”.
Biopsychology (Psyc 372) - Fall 1999, 2000, and 2001 (George Mason
Seminars in General Psychology (Psyc 260/110) - Spring 2000
Bioinformatics I (CSI 650) - Spring 1999 (George Mason PhD in Computational
Computational Neuroscience Systems (Psyc 592/461 + CSI 735) - Spring 2000
Trends in Modern Neuroscience (Psyc 592/461 + CSI 739) - Spring 2001
Computer Generation of Virtual Brains (Psyc 592/461 + CSI 739) - Spring
2002 and 2004
Chemistry & the Brain (Neur 600/Psyc 556) - Fall ’03, ‘05, Spring ‘07,
‘08, ‘09, ‘12, ‘13, ‘15.
Neuroinformatics (Neur 689) - Spring 2010, ‘14
Neurons, Connectomes, & Cognition (Neur 592) – Spring 2016.
Neuroinformatics Lab (Neur 461/Beng 499) - Fall 2010 and 2011, Spring 2010,
2011, & 2017.
Cellular Neuroscience (Neur 327/Beng 499) – Spring 2018 & 2019.
Graduate students:
Ruggero Scorcioni (PhD received in 2003), Duncan Donohue (PhD received in
2007), Maryam Halavi (PhD received in 2010; MS received in 2005), Deepak
Ropireddy (PhD received in 2011), Kerry Brown (PhD received in 2012),
Michele Ferrante (PhD received in 2012), Susan Wright (PhD received in
2013), Bob Gardner (PhD received in 2014), Todd Gillette (PhD received in
2015), David Hamilton (PhD received in 2016), Sridevi Polavaram (PhD
received in 2016; MS received in 2004), Christopher Rees (PhD received in
2016), Masood Akram (PhD), Sarojini Attili (PhD), Kayvan Bijari (PhD),
Jeffrey Kopsick (PhD), Patricia Maraver (PhD), Keivan Moradi (MD/PhD), Sumit
Nanda (PhD), Nate Sutton (PhD), Siva Venkadesh (PhD), Aruna Muthulu (MS
received in 2005), Praveena Kudrimothi (MS received in 2006), Raxesh Parela
(MS received in 2007), Shazeeb Shamshi (MS received in 2007), Adam Vogel (MA
received in 2009), Sean McKesey (MS received in 2013), Mahan Mollajafar
BICCN U01 from NIMH (NIH), September 2017-June 2022: “Anatomical
characterization of neuronal cell types of the mouse brain”. MPI with
Hongwei Dong (USC) and Byungkook Lim (UCSD). Total Cost (Ascoli’s portion):
Unrestricted Research Support (Private donation in memory of Harold
Morowitz), March 2017 – March 2027: “Contribution to Center for Neural
Informatics”. Direct Cost: $22,275.
Bisti R01 from NINDS (NIH), May 2009 - April 2020 (scored 1st% in last 5-yr
renewal): “Generation and description of neuronal morphology and
connectivity”. Total Cost (2014-20): $1.7M. Administrative Supplement
awarded in 2017.
CRCNS R01 from NINDS (NIH), July 2013- June 2024: “Cytoskeletal mechanisms
of dendrite arbor shape development”. MPI with Dan Cox, Georgia State
University. Total Cost (Ascoli’s portion): $1.7M.
Unrestricted Research Support (Northrop Grumman), August 2013 – July 2018:
“Development of a biologically plausible computational model of the
hippocampal formation”. Direct Cost: $50,000.
Collaborative Research Travel Grant (Burroughs Wellcome Fund), June 2016 –
December 2017: “Barcode sequencing of axonal projections to classify
long-range cortical neurons”. Direct Cost: $5000.
BRAIN EAGER (NSF), September 2015 – August 2017: “Building reliable
high-throughput consensus for neuronal morphologies”. Total Cost: $300,000.
BRAIN EAGER (NSF), September 2016 – August 2017: “Enabling Discovery and
scientific collaboration on human memory via web-based atlas and tissue”.
Total Cost: $300,000.
Robust Intelligence Program (NSF), October 2013 - September 2017:
“Automated Parameter Tuning of Large-Scale Spiking Neural Networks” (MPI
with Ken DeJong, GMU). Total Mason Budget $450,000.
Center of Excellence grant (AFOSR), June 2010 - May 2016: “Neuroergonomics,
Technology, and Cognition” (PI: Raja Parasuraman, GMU). Sub-project Cost:
AFRL (Aptima), February 2014 - September 2015: “Human universal measurement
and assessment network”. Principal Investigator: Giorgio Ascoli. Total
Budget $73,000.
MURI center (ONR), October 2009 - July 2015: “From attentive to automatic
performance: a multi-scale, multi-species, and multi-modal investigation of
spatial learning”. Total Cost: $7.5M.
DURIP equipment (ONR): October 2013 - July 2015: “Instrumentation to
support spatial learning project” (PI: James Thompson, GMU). Direct Cost:
Keck Nakfi grant (Natl. Acad. Sci. Future Initiatives), May 2013 – June
2015 “Crowdsourcing Extraction of Knowledge From Data”. Direct Cost:
IARPA (KRNS), October 2013 - December 2014: “Knowledge Representation in
Neural Systems (Prime: HRL, Malibu, CA). Principal Investigator: Giorgio
Ascoli. Total Budget $300,000.
Burroughs-Wellcome Grant (NeuroMorpho.Org Conference Support), June 2012 -
August 2013 “Recognizing the Breakthroughs”. Direct Cost: $50,000.
SyNAPSE from Darpa (DoD), November 2008 - January 2013: “Electronic Cortex”
(PI: Narayan Srinivasa, HRL). Subcontract Cost: $1.25M.
Direct Contract from the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating
Facility (INCF), October 2010 - September 2011 “Linking neuronal properties
to ontological definitions”. Total Cost: $60,000.
CRCNS R01 from NIA (NIH), October 2004 - June 2011: “Input/output
relationship in CA3 pyramidal cells”. Direct Cost $1.21M.
R21 from NINDS (NIH), August 2009 - July 2011 (co-PI with Juan Cebral,
GMU): “Reconstruction and mapping of human brain vasculature”. Direct Cost:
R21 from NINDS (NIH), June 2008 - May 2011: “Neuroinformatics of the
hippocampus: from system-level to neuronal arborizations”. Total Cost:
Blueprint from NIDA (NIH), September 2008 - August 2010: “Neuroscience
Information Framework - Phase III” (PI: Maryann Martone, UCSD). Subcontract
Cost: $150,000.
Direct Contract from JFRC (HHMI), September 2008 - December 2008: “Digital
reconstruction of dendritic and axonal arbors”. Direct cost: $9,000.
SGER from CISE (NSF), September 2007 - August 2008: “Data sharing
initiative: connectivity of the hippocampus”. Total Cost: $42,000.
R01 from NIMH (NIH), August 2006 - July 2008 (Steven Schiff, Penn State
Univ., PI): “Dynamics and Control of Neuronal Pattern Formation”.
Subcontract Cost: $75,000.
N01 from NIDA (NIH), September 2005 - May 2008 (Daniel Gardner, Cornell
Univ., PI): “Neuroinformatic-based Neuroscience Information Framework”.
Subcontract Cost: $165,000.
Ipto-Bica from Darpa, September 2005 - August 2007 (co-PI with Ken DeJong,
GMU): “Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architecture”. Total Cost: $470,000.
Human Brain Project R01 from NINDS & NIMH (NIH) and NSF, August 2003 -
April 2009: “Generation and description of dendritic morphology”. Direct
Cost: $1.17M.
Human Brain Project R01 from NINDS & NIMH (NIH), August 1999 - July
2003: “Generation and description of dendritic morphology”. Total Cost:
ARDRAF (Alzheimer/Aging) from the Commonwealth of Virginia, July 1999 -
June 2000: “Effect of dendritic morphology on neuronal electrophysiology in
a lesion model of Alzheimer’s Disease”. Direct Cost: $16,000.
Society for Neuroscience: Grass Fellowship 1999, 2000, 2002. Travel Award
2001. Cumulative Cost: $3,500.
Society for Neuroscience member, 1994-present
President, Potomac Chapter, 1999 – 2003
Neuroinformatics Committee, 2004 – 2008
Chair, Data Sharing Satellite Minisymposium, 2008
Chair, Neuroinformatics Social, 2016
Am. Psychol. Soc.member, 2005-2006, 2010-2015
Int. Neural Netw. Soc.member, 2003-2006
Am. Assoc. Anat.member, 1995-2003
Chair, FASEB Neuroanatomy minisymposium, Exp. Biol. 2000.
Int. Neur. Coord. Fac. (INCF): Chair, Neuron Registry Task Force,
Program Chair, Brain Informatics and Health Conference 2016.
Program committee, INCF Congress 2016.
Cold Spring Harbor Asia:Co-organizer, Imaging, atlases & connectomes
conf. 2018 & ‘19.
Allen-SouthEast Center:Co-organizer, 2018 “Whole-brain full-neuron
reconstruction” conf.
HHMI Janelia:Co-organizer, 2012 “Hippocampus neuronal identity” conference.
HHMI Janelia:Lead organizer, DIADEM Challenge and JFRC 2010 conference.
Founding Editor-in-Chief (2002-present), Neuroinformatics (Springer).
Associate Editor:Frontiers in NeuroMethods, 2009-2011; Cognitive Systems
Research, 2019-present.
Guest Editor:Cortex, 2004/5 (issue on Brain, Mind, and Consciousness).
Comput. Intell. & Neurosci., 2012/13 (issue on Sensemaking)
Editorial Board Member:Curr. Med. Chem., 2005-present; Biol. Bull.,
2006-present; Brain Struct. & Funct., 2006-present; Open Med. Chem. J.,
2007-present; Front. Neural Circuits, 2008-present; Front. Comput.
Neurosci., 2011-present; Sensors & Transd., 2006-present; Open Behav.
Sci. J., 2007-2018; Neural Regen. Res., 2011-present; Biol. Inspired Cog.
Architectures, 2012-2018; Network Neurosci., 2016-present; Computation,
2012-present; Dataset Papers in Science, 2012-2014. ISRN Neuroscience,
2012-2014; J Comput. Med., 2012-2016; NeuroCommons, 2018-present; Cog. Sys.
Res., 2018-present.
Ad-hoc reviewer:Journals: Anat. Embryol.; Behav. Brain Sci.; Biosystems;
BMC Neurosci.; Brain Res.; Cereb. Cortex; Chirality; Complexity; Cortex;
Hippocampus; IEEE Trans. Image Process.; J. Comp. Neurol.; J. Comput.
Neurosci.; J. Neurophys.; J. Neurosci.; J. Neurosci. Meth.; J. Theor. Biol.;
Lancet; Math. Biosci.; Microscopy Res. Tech.; Nature Protocols; Nature Rev.
Neurosci.; Network; Neural Netw.; Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B.; Neurocomputing;
NeuroImage; Neuron; Neuroscience; PLoS Comput. Biol.; Proc. Natl. Acad.
Sci.; Prog. Brain Res.; Synapse; Trends Neurosci. Books: Math. Neurosci.,
Springer; Behav. Neurosci., Worth Publ.; Biopsychology, Houghton-Mifflin;
Tract Tracing 3, Springer; Consciousness, Palgrave; Brain Architecture, MIT
Press. Conferences: Cognitive Science (2002), Biological Computing (2003),
Dendritic Imaging (2004), Comput. Neuroscience (2006).
NIH Study Sections:Standing Member, Neurotechnology (2007-2011; acting
chair, 2008); NIMH Neuroinformatics (Spring 2001, Fall 2001, Spring 2004,
Summer 2004 [acting chair], Spring 2005 [acting chair], Fall 2005). Ad Hoc,
NIAAA (Summer 2001). NIMH Technology (Summer 2002). NIBIB (Spring 2005).
NINDS/NIMH Training & Career (Summer 2005). NINDS Plasticity (Spring
2006, Summer 2006, Fall 2006, Winter 2007, Spring 2007, Fall 2007). Cellular
Neurosci. (Summer 2012), BRAIN (Spring 2016, Spring 2017, Spring 2018,
Spring 2019).
Other Review Panels:NIH Director evaluation of Pioneer Award Mechanism
(2012). NSF Comput. Neurosci. (2002, 2004, 2005), EU Neurosci. Funding
(2002, 2003, 2015, 2017, 2018), Human Frontiers Science Program (2005),
Intel/Regeneron Science Talent Search (2005-present), Academia Sinica of
Science, Taiwan (2017).
Promotion & Tenure:Mt. Sinai School Med., U. CA Irvine, Boston U., U.
So. CA, Arizona State U., U. CA San Diego, U. College London (UK), Okinawa
Institute Sci. & Tech (Japan), Rutgers U.
Scientific Advisory Board:Edinburgh PhD program in Neuroinformatics (UK),
NIDA/SfN Neuroscience Information Framework, 2005-2018
Boards of Directors,, 2008-2018
HRL Icarus-Minds Scientific Council Chair, 2010-2014
NITRC Advisory Committee, 2011-present
HHMI MouseLight Project Scientific Advisor, 2016
Swiss BBP External Advising, 2004, 2018.
Married, 4 children. Interests include chess, jogging, soccer, opera, and
Four issued and one pending patents, two authored and three edited books,
58 invited book chapters. 137 articles published or in press on
international journals (14 journal covers; >7000 citations; h-index 43).
Over 500 conference presentations and invited talks.
Ascoli G.:
Neural Processor.
US Letter Patent
7,7174,325 B1, issued 2/6/07 (Provisional 60/386,576 6/6/02, filed May
2003, allowed November 2006).
2) Scorcioni R., Polavaram S.,
Ascoli G.
: Neuronal Measurement Tool.
US Letter Patent
8,090,167, issued 1/3/12 (Application number: 11/866,593, filed October 3,
2007, allowed September 2011).
Ascoli G.
, Samsonovich A.: Semantic Cognitive Maps.
US Letter Patent
8,190,422 B2, issued 5/29/12 (Docket No.: GMU-07-047P, Disclosed May 2007.
Publication number US-2010-0042401-A1, published on February 18, 2010,
allowed April 2012).
Ascoli G.
, Scorcioni R., Lasher B.: Method and Apparatus for Arborization
US Letter Patent
8,649,576 B2, issued 2/11/14 (Application number: 11/763,758, filed June 15,
2007. Publication number: US 2008/0013815 A1, published on January 17, 2008,
allowed October 2013).
5) Chelian S.,
Ascoli G.
, Benvenuto J., Howard M., Bhattacharyya M.: Method and apparatus for
decision making in a neural model including semantic, episodic, and
procedural memory components.
US Letter Patent
(Application Serial No. 14/750,402, filed June 25, 2015).
Ascoli G.
: Biochemical and spectroscopic characterization of cp20, a protein involved
in synaptic plasticity mechanisms.
SNS Perfezionamento Series
(7 chapters, 181 pages). Campomat Press, Pisa, Italy (1997).
Ascoli G.
(Ed.): Computational Neuroanatomy - Principles and Methods (19 chapters, 468
pages, plus CD-ROM). Humana Press, Totowa, NJ (2002).
Ascoli G.
and Grafman J. (Eds.): Consciousness, Mind and Brain (10 chapters, 122
pages). Massom Publisher, Milan, Italy (2005).
Ascoli G.
: Trees of the Brain, Roots of the Mind (9 chapters, 256 pages). MIT Press,
Cambridge, MA (2015).
Ascoli G.
, Hawrylycz M., Ali H., Khazanchi D., Shi Y. (Eds.): Brain Infomatics and
Health (37 chapters, 392 pages). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland (2016).
[C] ARTICLES (full papers on international journals)
1) Bertucci C., Viegi A.,
Ascoli G.
, Salvadori P.: Protein binding investigation by difference circular
dichroism: native and acetylated human serum albumin.
, 7:57-61 (1995).
2) Bertucci C.,
Ascoli G.
, Uccello-Barretta G., Di Bari L., Salvadori P.: The binding of
5-fluorouracil to native and modified HSA: UV, CD, and 1H- and 19F-NMR
J. Pharm. Biomed. An.
, 13:1087-93 (1995).
Ascoli G.
, Bertucci C., Salvadori P.: Stereospecific and competitive binding of drugs
to human serum albumin: a difference circular dichroism approach.
J. Pharm. Sci.
, 84:737-41 (1995).
4) Olds J., Nelson T.,
Ascoli G.
, Gerstein A., Cameron M., Cameron L., Lester D., Rakow T., De Barry J.,
Yoshioka T., Freyberg Z., Baru J., Alkon D.: Imaging protein kinase C
activation in living sea urchin eggs after fertilization.
Dev. Biol.
, 172:675-82 (1995).
5) Nelson T., Cavallaro S., Yi C., McPhie D., Schreus B., Gusev P., Zohar
O., Kim J., Beushausen S.,
Ascoli G.
, et al.: Calexcitin, a signaling protein that binds calcium and GTP,
inhibits potassium channels, and enhances membrane excitability.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA
, 93:13808-13 (1996).
6) Salvadori P., Bertucci C.,
Ascoli G.
, Uccello-Barretta G., Rossi E.: Direct resolution, characterization, and
stereospecific binding properties of an atropisomeric 1,4-benzodiazepine.
9:495-505 (1997).
Ascoli G.
, Goldin R.: Coordinate systems for dendritic spines: a somatocentric
2:40-8 (1997).
Ascoli G.
, Luu K., Olds J., Nelson T., Gusev P., Bertucci C., Bramanti E., Raffaelli
A., Salvadori P., Alkon D.: Secondary structure and Ca2+-induced
conformational change of calexcitin, a learning-associated protein.
J. Biol. Chem.
272:24771-9 (1997).
9) Krichmar J.,
Ascoli G.
, Hunter L., Olds J.: A model of cerebellar saccadic motor learning using
qualitative reasoning.
Lect. Notes Comp. Sci.
1240:134-145 (1997).
Ascoli G.
, Bertucci C., Salvadori P.: Ligand binding to a human serum albumin
stationary phase: use of same-drug competition to discriminate
pharmacologically relevant interactions.
Biomed. Chromatogr.
12:248-54 (1998).
Ascoli G.
, Pergami P., Luu K., Alkon D., Bramanti E., Bertucci C., Di Bari L.,
Salvadori P.: Use of CD and FT-IR to determine the secondary structure of
purified proteins in the low-microgram range.
3:371-81 (1998).
12) Vandersluis J., Cooke J.,
Ascoli G.
, Krichmar J., Michaels G., Montgomery M., Symanzyk J., Vitucci B.:
Exploratory statistical graphics for an initial motion control experiment.
Comp. Sci. Stat.
30:482-7 (1998).
Ascoli G.
: Association, abstraction, and the emergence of the Self.
Noetic J.
2:9-20 (1999).
14) Senft S.,
Ascoli G.
: Reconstruction of brain networks by algorithmic amplification of
morphometry data.
Lect. Notes Comp. Sci.,
1606:25-33 (1999).
15) Bertucci C., Canepa A.,
Ascoli G.
, Guimares F., Felix G.: Site I on human albumin: differences in the binding
of (R)- and (S)-warfarin.
11:675-9 (1999).
16) Pergami P., Bramanti E.,
Ascoli G.
: Structural dependence of the cellular isoform of prion protein on solvent:
spectroscopic characterization of an intermediate conformation.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm.,
264:972-8 (1999).
Ascoli G.
: Progress and perspectives in computational neuroanatomy.
Anatom. Rec.
257(6):195-207 (1999).
Ascoli G.
: Is it already time to give up on a science of consciousness? A commentary
on mysterianism.
5(1):25-34 (1999).
19) Symanzik J,
Ascoli G.
, Washington S., Krichmar J.: Visual data mining of brain cells.
Comp. Sci. Stat.,
31:445-9 (1999).
Ascoli G.
, Krichmar J.: L-Neuron: a modeling tool for the efficient generation and
parsimonious description of dendritic morphology.
32-33:1003-11 (2000).
21) Washington S.,
Ascoli G.
, Krichmar J.: A statistical analysis of dendritic morphology’s effect on
neuron electrophysiology of CA3 pyramidal cells.
, 32-33:261-9 (2000).
Ascoli G.
: The complex link between neuroanatomy and consciousness.
6:20-6 (2000).
23) Nasuto S., Krichmar J., Knape R.,
Ascoli G.
: Relation between neuronal morphology and electrophysiology in the kainate
lesion model of Alzheimer's Disease.
, 38-40:1477-87 (2001).
24) Scorcioni R.,
Ascoli G.
: Algorithmic extraction of morphological statistics from electronic
archives of neuroanatomy.
Lect. Notes Comp. Sci.
, 2084:30-7 (2001).
Ascoli G.
, Krichmar J., Nasuto S., Senft S.: Generation, description, and storage of
dendritic morphology data.
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B,
356:1131-45 (2001).
Ascoli G.
, Krichmar J., Scorcioni R., Nasuto S., Senft S.: Computer generation and
quantitative morphometric analysis of virtual neurons.
Anat. Embryol.,
204:283-301 (2001).
27) Scorcioni R., Bouteiller J.,
Ascoli G.
A real-scale anatomical model of the dentate gyrus based on single cell
reconstructions and 3D rendering of a brain atlas.
, 44-46:629-34 (2002).
Ascoli G.
: Neuroanatomical algorithms for dendritic modeling.
Network: Comput. Neural Syst.
13:247-60 (2002).
29) Krichmar J., Nasuto S., Scorcioni R., Washington S.,
Ascoli G.
: Effects of dendritic morphology on CA3 pyramidal cell electrophysiology: a
simulation study.
Brain Res.
, 941:11-28 (2002).
30) Lazarewicz M., Migliore M.,
Ascoli G.
: A new bursting model of CA3 pyramidal cell physiology suggests multiple
locations for spike initiation.
, 67:129-37 (2002).
31) Samsonovich A.,
Ascoli G.
: Statistical morphological analysis of hippocampal principal neurons
indicates selective repulsion of dendrites from their own cell.
J. Neurosci. Res
. 71:173-87 (2003).
Ascoli G.
: Passive dendritic integration heavily affects spiking dynamics of
recurrent networks.
Neural Netw.
, 16:657-63 (2003).
33) Scorcioni R., Lazarewicz M.,
Ascoli G.
: Quantitative morphometry of hippocampal pyramidal cells: differences
between anatomical classes and reconstructing laboratories.
J. Comp. Neurol
., 473:177-93 (2004).
Ascoli G.
, Atkeson J.: Incorporating anatomically realistic cellular-level
connectivity in neural network models of the rat hippocampus.
, 79:173-81 (2005).
35) Li Y., Brewer D., Burke R.E.,
Ascoli G.
: Developmental changes in spinal motoneuron dendrites in neonatal mice.
J. Comp. Neurol.,
483:304-17 (2005).
36) Samsonovich A.,
Ascoli G.
: Statistical determinants of dendritic morphology in hippocampal pyramidal
neurons: a hidden Markov model.
15:166-83 (2005).
37) Samsonovich A.,
Ascoli G.
: A simple neural network model of the hippocampus suggesting its
pathfinding role in episodic memory retrieval.
Learning & Memory
, 12:193-208 (2005).
38) Scorcioni R.,
Ascoli G.
: Algorithmic reconstruction of complete axonal arborizations in rat
hippocampal neurons.
65-66:15-22 (2005).
39) Samsonovich A.,
Ascoli G.
: Algorithmic description of hippocampal granule cell dendritic morphology.
, 65-66:253-60 (2005).
40) Samsonovich A.,
Ascoli G.
: The conscious self: ontology, epistemology and the mirror quest.
, 41:621-36 (2005).
41) Donohue D.,
Ascoli G.
: Local diameter fully constrains dendritic size in basal but not apical
trees of CA1 pyramidal neurons.
J. Comput. Neurosci.,
19:223-38 (2005).
42) Brown K., Donohue D., D’Alessandro G.,
Ascoli G.
: A cross-platform freeware tool for digital reconstruction of neuronal
arborizations from image stacks.
3:343-60 (2005).
43) Migliore M., Ferrante M.,
Ascoli G.
: Signal propagation in oblique dendrites of CA1 pyramidal cells.
J. Neurophys.
, 94:4145-55 (2005).
44) Samsonovich A.,
Ascoli G.
: Morphological homeostasis in cortical dendrites.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA
, 103:1569-74 (2006).
Ascoli G.
: Mobilizing the base of neuroscience data: the case of neuronal
Nature Rev. Neurosci.
, 7:318-24 (2006).
Ascoli G.
, Domenici E., Bertucci C.: Drug binding to Human Serum Albumin: Abridged
review of results obtained with High Performance Liquid Chromatography and
circular dichroism.
, 18:667-79 (2006).
47) Li X.,
Ascoli G.
: Computational simulation of the input-output relationship in hippocampal
pyramidal cells.
J. Comput. Neurosci.
, 21:191-209 (2006).
48) Krichmar J., Velasquez D.,
Ascoli G.
: Effects of ß-catenin on dendritic morphology and simulated firing patterns
in cultured hippocampal neurons.
Biol. Bull.
, 211:31-43 (2006).
49) Duque A., Tepper J., Detari L.,
Ascoli G.
, Zaborszky L.: Morphological characterization of electrophysiologically
identified basal forebrain neurons: cholinergic vs. neuropeptide
Y-containing neurons.
Brain Struct. Funct.,
1:55-73 (2007).
Ascoli G.
: Biomedical research funding: When the game gets tough, winners start to
29:933-936 (2007).
Ascoli G.
, Donohue D., Halavi M.: NeuroMorpho.Org – A central resource for neuronal
J. Neurosci.,
27:9247-51 (2007).
Ascoli G.
: Successes and rewards in sharing digital reconstructions of neuronal
, 5:154-160 (2007).
53) Hemond P., Epstein D., Migliore M.,
Ascoli G.
, Jaffe D.: Distinct classes of pyramidal cells exhibit mutually exclusive
firing patterns in hippocampal area CA3b.
18:411-24 (2008).
54) Scorcioni R., Polavaram S.,
Ascoli G.
: L-Measure: a web-accessible tool for the analysis, comparison and search
of digital reconstructions of neuronal morphologies.
Nature Prot.,
3:866-76 (2008).
55) Donohue D.,
Ascoli G.
: A comparative computer simulation of dendritic morphology.
PLoS Comput. Biol.,
4(5): e1000089 (2008).
56) Li X.,
Ascoli G.
: Effects of synaptic synchrony on the neuronal input/output relationship.
Neural Computation.,
20:1717-31 (2008).
Ascoli G.
, Alonso L., Anderson S., Barrionuevo G., Benavides-Piccione R., Burkhalter
A., Buzsaki G., Cauli B., DeFelipe J., Fairén A., Feldmeyer D., Fishell G.,
Fregnac Y., Freund T.F., Karube F., Gardner D., Gardner E., Goldberg J.,
Helmstaedter M., Hestrin S., Kisvarday Z., Lambolez B., Lewis D., Marin O.,
Markram H., Muñoz A., Packer A., Petersen C., Rockland K., Rossier J., Rudy
B., Somogyi P., Staiger J.F., Tamas G., Thomson A., Toledo M., Wang Y., West
D., Yuste R.: Petilla Terminology: Nomenclature of features of GABAergic
interneurons of the cerebral cortex.
Nature Rev. Neurosci.,
9:557-68 (2008).
58) Ferrante M., Blackwell K., Migliore M.,
Ascoli G.
: Computational models of neuronal biophysics and the characterization of
potential neuropharmacological targets.
Curr. Med. Chem.,
15:2456-71 (2008).
59) Scorcioni R., Hamilton D.,
Ascoli G.
: Self-sustaining non-repetitive activity in a large scale neuronal-level
model of the hippocampal circuit.
Neural Netw.
, 21:1153-63 (2008).
60) Brown K., Gillette T.,
Ascoli G.
: Quantifying neuronal size: Summing up trees and splitting the branch
Sem. Cell Dev. Biol.
, 19:485-93 (2008).
61) Gardner D., Akil H.,
Ascoli G.
, Bowden D., Bug W., Donohue D, Goldberg D., Grafstein B., Grethe J., Gupta
A., Halavi M., Kennedy D., Marenco L., Martone M., Miller P., Müller H.-M.,
Robert A., Shepherd G., Sternberg P., Van Essen D., Williams R.: The
Neuroscience Information Framework: a data and knowledge environment for
6:149-60 (2008).
62) Marenco L.,
Ascoli G.
, Martone M., Shepherd G., Miller P.: The pilot NIF LinkOut broker: A web
resource to facilitate federated data integration using NCBI identifiers.
6:219-27 (2008).
63) Bug W.,
Ascoli G.
, Grethe J., Gupta A., Fennema-Notestine C., Laird A., Larson S., Rubin D.,
Shepherd G., Turner J., Martone M.: The NIFSTD and BIRNLex vocabularies:
Building comprehensive ontologies for neuroscience.
6:175-94 (2008).
64) Halavi M., Polavaram S., Donohue D., Hamilton G., Hoyt J., Smith K.,
Ascoli G.
: NeuroMorpho.Org implementation of digital neuroscience: dense coverage and
integration with the NIF.
6:241-52 (2008).
Ascoli G.
, Samsonovich A.: Science of the conscious mind.
Biol. Bull.,
215:204-15 (2008).
66) Komendantov A.,
Ascoli G.
: Dendritic excitability and neuronal morphology as determinants of synaptic
J. Neurophys.,
101:1847-66 (2009).
67) Hemond P., Migliore M.,
Ascoli G.
, Jaffe D.: The membrane response of CA3 pyramidal neurons near rest:
heterogeneity of passive properties and the contribution of
hyperpolarization-activated currents.
160:359-70 (2009).
Ascoli G.
, Brown K., Calixto E., Card P., Barrionuevo G.: Quantitative morphometry of
electrophysiologically identified CA3b interneurons reveals robust local
geometry and distinct cell classes.
J. Comp. Neurol.,
515:677-95 (2009).
69) Ferrante M., Migliore M.,
Ascoli G.
: Feed-forward inhibition as a buffer of the neuronal input-output relation.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA
, 106:18004-9 (2009).
70) Samsonovich A., Goldin R.,
Ascoli G.
: Toward a semantic general theory of everything.
, 15:12-18 (2010).
Ascoli G.
, Gasparini S., Medinilla V., Migliore M.: Local control of post-inhibitory
rebound spiking in CA1 pyramidal neuron dendrites.
J. Neurosci.
30:6434-42 (2010).
72) Samsonovich A.,
Ascoli G.
: Principal semantic components of language and the measurement of meaning.
PLoS One,
5(6):e10921 (2010).
73) Ropireddy D., Scorcioni R., Lasher B., Buzsáki G.,
Ascoli G.
: Axonal morphometry of hippocampal pyramidal neurons semi-automatically
reconstructed after in-vivo labeling in different CA3 locations.
Brain Structure & Function
, 216:1-15 (2011).
74) Costa L., Batista J.,
Ascoli G.
: Communication structure of cortical networks.
Front. Comput. Neurosci.,
5:6. doi: 10.3389/fncom.2011.00006 (2011).
75) Brown K., Barrionuevo G., Canty A., De Paola V., Hirsch J., Jefferis
G., Lu J., Snippe M., Sugihara I.,
Ascoli G.
: The DIADEM data sets: representative light microscopy images of neuronal
morphology to advance automation of digital reconstructions.
9:143-157 (2011).
76) Donohue D.,
Ascoli G.
: Automated reconstruction of neuronal morphology: an overview.
Brain Research Reviews,
67:94-102 (2011).
77) Gillette T., Brown K.,
Ascoli G.
: The DIADEM Metric: Comparing multiple reconstructions of the same neuron.
9:233-45 (2011).
78) Ropireddy D.,
Ascoli G.
: Potential synaptic connectivity of different neurons onto pyramidal cells
in a 3D reconstruction of the rat hippocampus.
Front. Neuroinf.,
5:5. doi: 10.3389/fninf.2011.00005 (2011).
79) Baker J., Perez-Rosello T., Migliore M., Barrionuevo G.,
Ascoli G.
: A computer model of unitary responses from associational/commissural and
perforant path synapses in hippocampal CA3 pyramidal cells.
J. Comput. Neurosci.,
31:137-58 (2011).
80) Perez-Rosello T., Baker J., Ferrante M., Iyengar S.,
Ascoli G.
, Barrionuevo G.: Passive and active shaping of unitary responses from
associational/commissural and perforant path synapses in hippocampal CA3
pyramidal cells.
J. Comput. Neurosci.,
31:159-82 (2011).
81) Ropireddy D., Bachus S.,
Ascoli G.
: Non-homogeneous stereological properties of the rat hippocampus from
high-resolution 3D serial reconstruction of thin histological sections.
205:91-11 (2012).
82) Myatt D., Hadlington T.,
Ascoli G.
, Nasuto S.: Neuromantic - from semi manual to semi automatic reconstruction
of neuron morphology.
Front. Neuroinf.
6:4. doi: 10.3389/fninf.2012.00004 (2012).
83) Halavi M., Hamilton K., Parekh R.,
Ascoli G.
: Digital reconstructions of neuronal morphology: Three decades of research
Front. Neurosci.
6:49. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2012.00049. (2012).
84) Hamilton D., Shepherd G., Martone M.,
Ascoli G.
: An ontological approach to describing neurons and their relationships.
Front. Neuroinf.
6:15. doi: 10.3389/fninf.2012.00015. (2012).
85) Gardner R., Vogel A., Mainetti M.,
Ascoli G.
: Quantitative measurements of autobiographical memory content.
PLoS One
, 7(9):e44809 (2012).
86) Brown K., Sugihara I., Shinoda Y.,
Ascoli G.
: Digital morphometry of rat cerebellar climbing fibers reveals distinct
branch and bouton types.
J. Neurosci.,
32:14670-84 (2012).
87) Ferrante M., Migliore M.,
Ascoli G.
: Functional impact of dendritic branch point morphology.
J. Neurosci.
, 33 2156-65 (2013). [F1000 Prime selection]
Ascoli G.
, Samsonovich A.: A spiking-network cognitive architecture inspired by the
Biol. Insp. Cogn. Arch.
, 3:13-26 (2013).
89) DeFelipe J., López-Cruz P., Benavides-Piccione R., Bielza C., Larrañaga
P., Anderson S., Burkhalter A., Cauli B., Fairén A., Feldmeyer D., Fishell
G., Fitzpatrick D., Freund T., González-Burgos G., Hestrin S., Hill S., Hof
P., Huang J., Jones E., Kawaguchi Y., Kisvárday Z., Kubota Y., Lewis D.,
Marín O., Markram H., McBain C., Meyer H., Monyer H., Nelson S., Rockland
K., Rossier J., Rubenstein J., Rudy B., Scanziani M., Shepherd G., Sherwood
C., Staiger J., Tamás G., Thomson A., Wang Y., Yuste R.,
Ascoli G.
: GABAergic interneurons of the cerebral cortex: Evaluation of a gardener’s
classification and nomenclature.
Nature Rev. Neurosci.
, 14(3):202-16 (2013).
90) Parekh R.,
Ascoli G.
: Neuronal morphology goes digital: a research hub for cellular and system
, 77(6):1017-38 (2013).
Ascoli G.
: The mind-brain relationship as a mathematical problem.
ISRN Neurosci.
, vol. 2013, Article ID 261364, 13 pages, doi:10.1155/2013/261364 (2013).
92) Berzhanskaya J., Chernyy N., Gluckman B., Schiff S.,
Ascoli G.
: Modulation of hippocampal rhythms by subthreshold electric fields and
network topology.
J. Comput. Neurosci.,
34(3):369-389 (2013).
93) Samsonovich A.,
Ascoli G.
: Augmenting weak semantic cognitive maps with an ‘abstractness’ dimension.
Comput. Intell. Neurosci.,
vol. 2013, Article ID 308176, 10 pages. doi:10.1155/2013/308176 (2013).
94) Wright S., Kochunov P., Mut F., Bergamino M., Brown K., Mazziotta J.,
Toga A., Cebral J.,
Ascoli G.
: Digital reconstruction and morphometric analysis of human brain arterial
vasculature from Magnetic Resonance Angiography.
, 82:170-181 (2013).
95) Gardner R., Uttaro M., Fleming S., Suarez D.,
Ascoli G.
, Dumas T.: Secondary working memory preserves the use of attentive
strategies despite over-training.
Learning & Memory
, 20(11):648-56 (2013).
Ascoli G.
, Botvinick M., Heuer R., Bhattacharyya R.: Neurocognitive models of
Biol. Insp. Cogn. Arch.,
8:82-9 (2014).
97) Mut F., Wright S.,
Ascoli G.
, Cebral J.: Morphometric, geographic and territorial characterization of
brain arterial trees.
Int. J. Num. Meth. Biomed. Eng.,
30(7):755-66 (2014).
98) Peng H., Tang J., Xiao H., Bria A., Zhou J., Butler V., Zhou Z.,
Gonzalez-Bellido P., Oh S., Chen J., Mitra A.,
Ascoli G.
, Tsien R., Zeng H., Iannello G., Hawrylycz M., Myers E., Long F.: 3D
Virtual Finger boosts 3D imaging and microsurgery, Terabyte volume image
data visualization and annotation, and image analysis.
Nature Comm.,
5:4342 (2014).
99) Samsonovich A.,
Ascoli G.
: Universal dimensions of meaning derived from semantic relations among
words and senses - Mereological completeness vs. ontological generality.
2:61-82 (2014).
100) Polavaram S., Gillette T., Parekh R.,
Ascoli G.
: Statistical analysis and data mining of digital reconstructions of
dendritic morphologies.
Front. Neuroanat.,
8:138. doi:10.3389/fnana.2014.00138 (2014).
101) Mainetti M.,
Ascoli G.
: A neural mechanism for background information-gated learning based on
axonal-dendritic overlaps.
PLoS Comput. Biol.,
11(3):e1004155. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004155 (2015).
102) Parekh R., Armañanzas R.,
Ascoli G.
: The importance of metadata to assess information content in digital
reconstructions of neuronal morphology.
Cell & Tissue Research,
360(1):121-7 (2015).
103) Armañanzas R.,
Ascoli G.
: Towards the automatic classification of neurons.
Trends in Neuroscience
, 38(5):307-18 (2015).
104) Parekh R.,
Ascoli G.
: Quantitative investigations of axonal and dendritic arbors: development,
structure, function and pathology.
The Neuroscientist,
21(3):241-254 (2015).
105) Gardner R., Mainetti M.,
Ascoli G.
: Older adults report moderately more detailed autobiographical memories.
Front. Psychol.
, 6:631. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00631 (2015).
106) Gardner R.,
Ascoli G.
: The natural frequency of prospective memory increases with age.
Psychol. Aging,
30(2):209-19 (2015). [APA Spotlight Article]
107) Gillette T.,
Ascoli G.
: Topological characterization of neuronal arbor morphology via sequence
representation. I. Motif analysis.
BMC Bioinf.
, 16(216):1-15 (2015).
108) Gillette T., Hosseini P.,
Ascoli G.
: Topological characterization of neuronal arbor morphology via sequence
representation. II. Global alignment.
BMC Bioinf.
, 16(209):1-17 (2015).
109) Peng H., Hawrylycz M., Roskams J., Hill S., Spruston N., Meijering E.,
Ascoli G.
: BigNeuron: large-scale 3D neuron reconstruction from optical microscopy
, 87(2):252-6 (2015).
Ascoli G.
: On synaptic circuits, memory and kumquats.
New England J. Medicine
, 372(12):1170-2 (2015).
Ascoli G.
: Sharing neuron data: carrots, sticks, and digital records.
PLoS Biol.
, 13(10): e1002275. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1002275 (2015).
112) Wheeler D., White C., Rees C., Komendantov A., Hamilton D.,
Ascoli G.
: A knowledge base of neuron types in the rodent
, 4:e09960. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.09960 (2015).
113) Ferrante M.,
Ascoli G.
: Distinct and synergistic feedforward inhibition of pyramidal cells by
basket and bistratified interneurons.
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience,
9:439. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2015.00439 (2015).
114) Gardner R., Suarez D., Robinson-Burton N., Rudnicky C., Gulati A.,
Ascoli G.
, Dumas T.: Differential Arc expression in the hippocampus and striatum
during the transition from attentive to automatic navigation on a plus maze.
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
131:36-45 (2016).
Ascoli G.
, Wheeler D.: In search of a Periodic Table of the Neurons: Axonal-dendritic
circuitry as the organizing principle.
, 38:969-76 (2016). [TOC Highlight Article]
116) Rees C., Wheeler D., Hamilton D., White C., Komendantov A.,
Ascoli G.
: Graph theoretic and motif analyses of the hippocampal neuron type
potential connectome.
3(6). pii: ENEURO.0205-16.2016 (2016).
117) Rees C., Moradi K.,
Ascoli G.
: Weighing the evidence in Peters’ rule: Does neuronal morphology predict
Trends in Neurosciences,
40(2):63-71 (2017).
Ascoli G.,
Maraver P., Nanda S., Polavaram S., Armañanzas R.: Win-win data sharing in
Nature Methods,
14(2):112-6 (2017).
119) Hamilton D., Wheeler D., White C., Rees C., Komendantov A., Bergamino
Ascoli G.
: Name-calling in the hippocampus (and beyond): coming to terms with neuron
types and properties.
Brain Informatics
, 4(1):1-12 (2017).
120) Peng H., Zhou Z., Meijering E., Zhao T.,
Ascoli G.
, Hawrylycz M.: Automatic tracing of ultra-volume of neuronal images.
Nature Methods,
14(4):332-3 (2017).
121) Polavaram S.,
Ascoli G.
: An ontology-based search engine for digital reconstructions of neuronal
Brain Informatics,
4(2):123-34 (2017).
122) Hamilton D., White C., Rees C., Wheeler D.,
Ascoli G.
: Molecular fingerprinting of principal neurons in the rodent hippocampus: a
neuroinformatics approach.
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis,
144:269-78 (2017).
123) Wang Y., Li Y.,
Ascoli G.
, Mitra P.: Metrics for comparing neuronal tree shapes based on persistent
12(8):e0182184 (2017).
124) Rees C., White C.,
Ascoli G.
: Neurochemical markers in the mammalian brain: structure, roles in synaptic
communication, and pharmacological relevance.
Current Medicinal Chemistry,
24(28):3077-103 (2017).
125) Das R., Bhattacharjee S., Harris J., Patel A., Bhattacharya S., Nanda
S., Nguyen U., Iyer E.,
Ascoli G.
, Cox D.: Combinatorial transcriptional regulation modulates cytoskeletal-1
mediated dendritic arbor development in Drosophila melanogaster.
207(4):1401-21 (2017).
126) Gleeson P., Davison A., Silver A.,
Ascoli G.
: A commitment to open source in neuroscience.
96:964-5 (2017).
127) Nanda S., Chen H., Das R., Bhattacharjee S., Cuntz H., Torben-Nielsen
B., Peng H., Cox D., De Schutter E.,
Ascoli G.
: Design and implementation of multi-signal and time-varying neural
Sci. Data
5:170207 doi:10.1038/sdata.2017.207 (2018).
128) Akram M., Nanda S., Maraver P., Armañanzas R.,
Ascoli G.
: An open repository for single-cell reconstructions of the brain forest.
Sci. Data,
5:180006 doi: 10.1038/sdata.2018.6 (2018).
129) Venkadesh S., Komendantov A., Listopad S., Scott E., DeJong K.,
Krichmar J.,
Ascoli G.
: Simple models of diverse intrinsic dynamics in hippocampal neuron types.
Front. Neuroinf.,
12:8. doi: 10.3389/fninf.2018.00008 (2018).
130) Nanda S., Das R., Bhattacharjee S., Cox D.,
Ascoli G.
: Morphological determinants of dendritic arborization neurons in Drosophila
Brain Structure and Function,
223:1107-20 (2018).
131) Maraver P., Gillette T., Armañanzas R.,
Ascoli G.
: Open-source web-based search and metadata organization of peer-reviewed
BMC Bioinformatics,
20:50, doi: 10.1186/s12859-019-2613-z (2019).
132) Wang X., Tucciarone J., Jiang S., Yin F., Wang B., Wang D., Jia Y.,
Jia X., Li Y., Yang T., Xu Z., Akram M., Wang Y., Zeng S.,
Ascoli G.
, Mitra P., Gong H., Luo Q., Huang Z.: Genetic Single Neuron Anatomy reveals
fine granularity of cortical interneuron subtypes.
Cell Reports,
26:3145-59 (2019).
133) Shepherd G., Marenco L., Hines M., Migliore M., McDougal R., Carnevale
N., Newton A., Surles-Zeigler M.,
Ascoli G.
: Neuron names, a gene- and properties-based terminology format, with
special reference to cortical neurons.
Frontiers in Neuroanatomy,
13:25, doi: 10.3389/fnana.2019.00025 (2019).
134) Moradi K.,
Ascoli G.
: A comprehensive knowledge base of synaptic electrophysiology in the rodent
hippocampal formation.
In Press (2019).
135) Attili S., Felipe M., Nguyen T.,
Ascoli G.
: Cell numbers, distribution, shape, and regional variation throughout the
murine hippocampal formation from the adult brain Allen Reference Atlas.
Brain Structure & Function,
In Press (2019).
136) White C., Rees C., Wheeler D., Hamilton D.,
Ascoli G.
: Molecular expression profiles of morphologically defined hippocampal
neuron types: empirical evidence and relational inferences.
In Press (2019).
137) Komendantov A., Venkadesh S., Rees C., Wheeler D., Hamilton D.,
Ascoli G.
: Quantitative firing pattern phenotyping of hippocampal neuron types.
Scientific Reports,
In Press (2019).
138) Das R., Harris J., Foldi I., Letcher J., Bobo H., Nanda S., Ascoli G.,
Mihály J., Cox N.: Formin3 regulates dendritic architecture via microtubule
stabilization and is required for somatosensory nociceptive behavior.
139) Attili S., Mackesey S, Ascoli G.: Operations Research methods for
estimating the population size of neuron types.
140) Venkadesh S., Komendantov A., Wheeler D., Hamilton D., Ascoli G.:
Simple models of quantitative firing phenotypes in hippocampal neurons:
comprehensive coverage of intrinsic diversity.
141) Hawrylycz M., Aalling N., Arendt D., Armananzas R., Ascoli G., Bielza
C., Bokharaie V., Bergmann T., Bystron I., Capogna M., Chang Y., Clemens A.,
de Kock C., DeFelipe J., Dos Santos S., Dunville K., Feldmeyer D., Fiáth R.,
Fishell G., Foggetti A., Gao X., Ghaderi P., Güntürkün O., Hall V.,
Helmstaedter M., Herculano S., Hilscher M., Hirase H., Hjerling-Leffler J.,
Hodge R., Huang Z., Huda R., Juan Y., Khodosevich K., Kiehn O., Koch H.,
Kuebler E., Kühnemund M., Larrañaga P., Lelieveldt B., Louth E., Lui J.,
Mansvelder H., Marin O., Martínez-Trujillo J., Moradi H., Goriounova N.,
Nath A., Nedergaard M., Nemec P., Ofer N., Pfisterer U., Pontes S., Redmond
W., Rossier J., Sanes J., Scheuermann R., Saiz E., Somogyi P., Tamás G.,
Tolias A., Tosches M., Garcia M., Aguilar-Valles A., Munguba H., Wozny C.,
Wuttke T., Yong L., Zeng H., Lein E.: A community-based transcriptomics
classification and nomenclature of neocortical cell types.
142) Valera G., Markov D., Bijari K., Randlett O., Argharsharghi A.,
Baudoin J., Ascoli G., Portugues R., López-Schier H.: A neuronal blueprint
for directional mechanosensation in larval zebrafish.
[D] Journal Covers
1) Ascoli G., Senft S., Frischknecht F.: EMBO Reports, vol. 2, n. 6, 2001.
2) Krichmar J., Nasuto S., Scorcioni R., Washington S., Ascoli G.: Brain
Research, vol. 941, n. 1-2, 2002.
3) Ascoli G., Desmond N., Donohue D., Brown K., Scorcioni R.:
Neuroinformatics, vol. 2, n. 1-4, 2004.
4) Samsonovich A., Ascoli G.: Hippocampus, vol. 15, n. 2, 2005.
5) Samsonovich A., Ascoli G.: Learning & Memory, vol. 12, n. 2, 2005.
6) Scott-White G., Samsonovich A., Ascoli G.: Cortex, vol. 41, n. 5, 2005.
7) Ascoli G., Donohue D., Halavi M., Samsonovich A.: Journal of
Neuroscience, vol. 27, n. 35, 2007.
8) Scorcioni R., Wright S., Card J., Ascoli G., Barrionuevo G.:
Neuroinformatics, vol. 6, n. 1-4, 2008.
9) Samsonovich A., Goldin R., Ascoli G.: Complexity, vol. 15, n. 4, 2010.
10) Komendantov A., Ascoli G.: Neuroinformatics, vol. 8, n. 1-4, 2010.
11) Ropireddy D., Ascoli G.: Neuroscience, vol. 205, 2012.
12) Cantwell E., Quatrochi A., Ascoli G.: Light-Based Approaches to Neural
Circuit Reconstruction, HHMI JFRC, Oct 21-24, 2012.
13) Brown K., Ascoli G.: Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 32, n. 42, 2012.
14) Wright S., Kochunov P., Cebral J., Ascoli G.: NeuroImage, vol. 82-84,
Nov.-Dec., 2013.
[E] Book Chapters, Position Papers, and Peer-reviewed Full-length
1) Krichmar J., Ascoli G., Olds J., Hunter L.: The qualitative reasoning
neuron: a new approach to modeling in computational neuroscience. In J.M.
Bower (Ed.):
Computational Neuroscience: Trends in Research 1998
, 609-614, Plenum Press, New York, NY (1998).
2) Nasuto S., Krichmar J., Scorcioni R., Ascoli G.: Algorithmic statistical
analysis of electrophysiological data for the investigation of
structure-activity relationship in single neurons.
InterJournal Complex Syst.
R389:1-6 (2000).
3) Ascoli G., Krichmar J.: L-Neuron: a modeling tool for the efficient
generation and parsimonious description of dendritic morphology.
In Bower J. (Ed.):
Computational Neuroscience: Trends in Research 2000.
4) Washington S., Ascoli G., Krichmar J.: A statistical analysis of
dendritic morphology’s effect on neuron electrophysiology of CA3 pyramidal
In Bower J. (Ed.):
Computational Neuroscience: Trends in Research 2000.
5) Samsonovich A., Ascoli G.: Hippocampal cognitive maps: an alternative
Proceedings 4th Int. Conf. Cognitive Modeling
, 193-198 (2001).
6) Nasuto S., Krichmar J., Knape R., Ascoli G.: Relation between neuronal
morphology and electrophysiology in the kainate lesion model of
Alzheimer's Disease.
In Bower J. (Ed.):
Computational Neuroscience: Trends in Research 2001.
7) Ascoli G.: Computing the brain and the computing brain. In G. Ascoli
Computational Neuroanatomy: Principles and Methods
, 3-26, Humana Press, Totowa, NJ (2002).
8) Donohue D., Scorcioni R., Ascoli G.: Generation and description of
neuronal morphology using L-Neuron: a case study. In G. Ascoli (Ed.):
Computational Neuroanatomy: Principles and Methods,
49-70, Humana Press, Totowa, NJ (2002).
9) Lazarewicz M., Boer-Iwema S., Ascoli G.: Practical aspects in
anatomically accurate simulations of neuronal electrophysiology. In G.
Ascoli (Ed.):
Computational Neuroanatomy: Principles and Methods
, 127-148, Humana Press, Totowa, NJ (2002).
10) Samsonovich A., Ascoli G.: Towards virtual brains. In G. Ascoli (Ed.):
Computational Neuroanatomy: Principles and Methods,
425-436, Humana Press, Totowa, NJ (2002).
11) Turner DA, Cannon RC, Ascoli GA: Web-based neuronal archives: neuronal
morphometric and electrotonic analysis. In R. Kotter (Ed.):
Neuroscience Databases – A Practical Guide
, 81-98, Elsevier, Amsterdam (2002).
12) Ascoli G., Samsonovich A.: Bayesian morphometry of hippocampal cells
suggests same-cell somatodendritic repulsion. In Dietterich T.G., Becker S.
Ghahramani Z. (Eds.):
Adv. Neural Proc. Syst
. 14:133-139 (2002).
13) Scorcioni R., Bouteiller J., Ascoli G.:
A real-scale anatomical model of the dentate gyrus based on single cell
reconstructions and 3D rendering of a brain atlas. In Bower J. (Ed.):
Computational Neuroscience: Trends in Research 2002.
14) Ascoli G.: Electrotonic effects on spike response model dynamics.
IEEE Neural Networks
, 2831-2836 (2003).
15) Gardner D., Toga A., Ascoli GA., Beatty J., Brinkley J., Dale A., Fox
P., Gardner E., George J., Goddard N., Harris K., Herskovits E., Hines M.,
Jacobs G., Jacobs R., Jones E., Kennedy D., Kimberg D., Mazziotta J., Miller
P., Mori S., Mountain D., Reiss A., Rosen G., Rottenberg D., Shepherd G.,
Smalheiser N., Smith K., Strachan T., Van Essen D., Williams R., Wong S.:
Sharing Data, Carefully.
, 1:289-295 (2003).
16) Donohue D., Ascoli G.: Models of neuronal outgrowth. In Koslow S.H. and
Subramaniam S. (Eds.):
Databasing the Brain: From Data to Knowledge
, 303-323, Wiley, New York, NY (2005).
17) Samsonovich A., Ascoli G.: The conscious self: ontology, epistemology
and the mirror quest. In Ascoli G. and Grafman J. (Eds.):
Consciousness, Mind and Brain
, Massom Publisher, Milan, Italy. REPRINTED FROM C38 (2005).
18) Ascoli G., Scorcioni R.: Neuron and network modeling. In Zaborszky L.,
Wouterlood, Lanciego J. (Eds.):
Tract Tracing Methods, 3rd ed.
, 604-630, Springer, New York NY (2006).
19) Ascoli G., McCabe K.: Scarcity begets addiction. Commentary on Lea
& Webley’s “Money as tool, money as drug”.
Behav. Brain. Sci.
, 29(2):178 (2006).
20) Samsonovich A., Ascoli G. DeJong K, Coletti M.: Integrated hybrid
cognitive architecture for a virtual roboscout.
AAAI Report Cognitive Robotics
WS-06-03:129-134 (2006).
21) Samsonovich A., Ascoli G.: Cognitive map dimensions of the human value
system extracted from the natural language. In Goertzel B. (Ed.):
Advances in Artificial General Intelligence
(Proc. 2006 AGIRI Workshop)
, IOS Press, pp. 111-124 (2007).
22) Ascoli G.: Successful grant fishing in funding droughts.
Nature Cell Biol.
9:856-7 (2007).
23) Samsonovich A., Ascoli G.: Computational models of dendritic
morphology: from parsimonious description to biological insight. In
Laubichler M., Mueller G.B. (Eds.):
Modeling Biology: Structures, Behaviors, Evolution,
MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 91-113 (2007).
24) Liu Y., Ascoli G.: Value Added by Data Sharing - Long Term Potentiation
of Neuroscience Research.
5:143-5 (2007).
25) Samsonovich A., Ascoli G., DeJong K.: Computational assessment of the
‘magic’ of human cognition.
IEEE Neural Networks
, 2006:1170-7 (2007).
26) Samsonovich A., Ascoli G., DeJong K.: Human-level psychometrics for
cognitive architectures. In Smith L., Sporns O., Yu C., Gasser M., Breazeal
C., Deak G., Weng J. (Eds.):
Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Dev. & Learning ICDL
2006, Bloomington, IN. CD-ROM, ISBN 0-9786456-0-X 2006/2007 (2007).
27) Goldin G., Ascoli G.: Some variations on Maxwell’s equations. In
Twareque A., Sinha K.B (Eds.):
Contributions in Mathematical Physics, A Tribute to Gerard G. Emch
, Hindustan Book Agency, pp. 69-92 (2007).
28) Berzhanskaya J., Ascoli G.: Computational Neuroanatomy. In Izhikevich
E. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience, Scholarpedia.Org
29) Ropireddy D., Bachus S., Scorcioni R., Ascoli G.: Computational
neuroanatomy of the rat hippocampus: implications and application to
epilepsy. In Soltesz I., Staley K (Eds.): Computational Neuroscience in
Epilepsy, Elsevier, San Diego, CA, pp. 71-85 (2008).
30) Scorcioni R., Wright S., Card J., Ascoli G., Barrionuevo G.: Point
Analysis in Java applied to histological images of the perforant pathway: A
user’s account.
6:63-7 (2008).
31) Samsonovich A., Ascoli G., Morowitz H., Kalbfleish M.: A Scientific
Perspective on the Hard Problem of Consciousness. Proc. AAAI conf. on
Artificial General Intelligence. In Wang, P., Goertzel, B., and Franklin, S.
(Eds.). Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications vol. 171, pp.
493-505. IOS Press: Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2008).
32) Ascoli G., Halavi M.: Neuroinformatics. In: Squire LR (ed.)
Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, volume 6, pp. 477-484. Oxford: Academic Press
33) Samsonovich A., Ascoli G.: Computing semantics of preference with a
semantic cognitive map of natural language: Application to mood sensing from
text. In Chomicki J., Conitzer V., Junker U., Perny P. (Eds):
“Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling”, AAAI Tech
Rep WS-08-09, pp. 91-96. Menlo Park, CA: AAAI Press (2009).
34) Roysam B., Shain W., Ascoli G.: The central role of neuroinformatics in
the National Academy of Engineering’s grandest challenge: reverse engineer
the brain. Neuroinformatics. 7(1):1-5 (2009).
35) Ascoli G., Samsonovich A.: NeuroNavigator, A Biologically Inspired
Universal Cognitive Microcircuit. In Samsonovich A., Johannsdottir K.,
Chella A., Goertzel B., Eds., Proceeding of 2010 BICA conference, pp. 10-16,
IOS Press (2010).
36) Migliore M., Ascoli G., Jaffe D.: CA3 cells - Detailed and simplified
pyramidal cell models. In Cutsuridis V., Graham B., Cobb S., Vida I. (Eds):
“Hippocampal Microcircuits: A Computational Modeller’s Resource Book”, pp.
353-374, Springer (2010).
37) Samsonovich A., Ascoli G.: NeuroNavigator: A hippocampus-inspired
cognitive architecture for spiking network implementation. In Sariel-Talay,
S., Smith, S. F., & Onder, N. (Eds.). Automated Action Planning for
Autonomous Mobile Robots: AAAI Technical Report WS-11-09, pp. 76-7, AAAI
Press, Menlo Park, CA (2011).
38) Howard M., Bhattacharyyaa R., O’Reilly R., Ascoli G., Fellous J.:
Adaptive Recall in Hippocampus. In A. Samsonovich & K. Johannsdottir,
Eds., BICA Proceeding, IOS Press, pp. 151-7 (2011).
39) Mut F., Wright S., Ascoli G., Cebral J.: Characterization of the
morphometry and hemodynamics of cerebral arterial trees in healthy humans.
In P. Nithiarasu and R. Löhner (eds), 2nd Int. Conf. Math. Comp. Biom. Eng.
Washington DC (2011).
40) Gillette T., Ascoli G.: Dendritic Morphology. In Le Novere N., Bhalla
U. (Eds.), “Computational Systems Neurobiology”, Springer, Ch. 13, pp.
387-427 (2012).
41) Gardner R., Ascoli G.: Autobiographical Memory and Aging.
Aging in Action.
27(3):9-15 (2012).
42) Peng H., Roysam, B, Ascoli G.: Automated image computing reshapes
computational neuroscience.
BMC Bioinformatics,
BMC Bioinformatics 14:293 (2013).
43) Sugihara I., Brown K., Ascoli G.: New insights on vertebrate
olivo-cerebellar climbing fibers from computerized morphological
3:38-41 (2013).
44) Ascoli G.: Hippocampus’ Role in Learning and Memory. In J. Trefil Ed.:
Discoveries in Modern Science (Macmillan Reference’s Exploration, Invention,
Technology), pp. 482-487 (2014).
45) Ascoli G., Berzhanskaya J., Tsytsarev V.: Microscopy. In Elsevier
Encyclopedia of Neurological Sciences, 2nd ed. (M. Aminoff & R. Daroff,
Eds.). Oxford: Academic Press. vol. 3, pp. 16-20 (2014).
46) Nanda S., Allaham M., Bergamino M., Polavaram S., Armañanzas R., Ascoli
G., Parekh R.: Doubling up on the fly: NeuroMorpho.Org meets Big Data.
Neuroinformatics 13(1): 127-9 (2015).
47) Komendantov A., Ascoli G.: Dendritic excitability and morphology
determine synaptic efficacy. In “Intracellular signaling in cell function”,
Prof. Kostyuk Jubilee. Baite Publisher, Kiev, Ukraine (2015).
48) Polavaram S., Ascoli G.: Neuroinformatics. In Izhikevich E. (Ed.),
Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience,
10(11):1312 (2015). doi:10.4249/scholarpedia.1312
49) Parekh R., Ascoli G.: NeuroMorpho.Org. In Jaeger D, Jung R (Eds.)
Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience. Springer New York (2015).
50) Polavaram S., Gillette T., Parekh R., Ascoli G.: Statistical analysis
and data mining of digital reconstructions of dendritic morphologies. In
Budd JML, Cuntz H, Eglen SJ, Krieger P (eds) “Quantitative Analysis of
Neuroanatomy” (Lausanne: Frontiers Media). doi: 10.3389/978-2-88919-796-5
51) Ascoli G., Hawrylycz M., Ali H., Khazanchi D., Shi Y.: Proceedings
Preface, International Conf. Brain Informatics and Health, Lect. Notes.
Artif. Intell. Vol. 9919 (2016).
52) Gardner R., Mainetti M., Ascoli G.: Older adults report moderately more
detailed autobiographical memories. In Morin A, Brinthaupt TM, Runyan JD
(eds) “Inner Experiences: Theory, Measurement, Frequency, Content, and
Functions” (Lausanne: Frontiers Media). doi: 10.3389/978-2-88919-771-2
53) Nanda S., Das R., Cox D., Ascoli G.: Structural plasticity in
dendrites: developmental neurogenetics, morphological reconstructions, and
computational modeling.
Chapter 1 (pp 1-34) in “Neurobiological and Psychological Aspects of Brain
Recovery” (Petrosini L., Ed), Contemporary Clinical Neuroscience,
Springer, NY
54) Grady J., Ascoli G.: Neural characteristics of primary source and
Chapter 2 (27-45) in “Metaphor: Embodied Cognition and Discourse” (Hampe
B., Ed.). Cambridge University Press
55) Venkadesh S., Ascoli G.: Computational modeling as a means to defining
neuronal spike pattern behaviors.
Chapter 2 (25-43), in “Mathematical and Theoretical Neuroscience” (Naldi
G., Nieus T., eds.), INdAM Series 24
, Springer (2018).
56) Ferrante M. and Ascoli G.: Distinct and synergistic feedforward
inhibition of pyramidal cell by basket and bistratified interneurons. In
Korogod, S. M., ed. Structure-Related Intrinsic Electrical States and Firing
Patterns of Neurons With Active Dendrites. Lausanne: Frontiers Media. doi:
10.3389/978-2-88945-608-6 REPRINTED FROM C113 (2018).
57) Moradi K., Ascoli G.: Systematic data mining of hippocampal synaptic
properties. In “Hippocampal Microcircuit book” (2nd ed.), V. Cutsuridis, B.
Graham, S. Cobb, & I. Vida, eds., pp 441-72, Springer (2018).
58) Wheeler D., Ascoli G.: In Jaeger D, Jung R (Eds.)
Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience, 2nd edition. Springer New York
[F] Selected Abstracts, Presentations, Invited Talks, and Editorials
1) C. Bertucci, G. Ascoli et al.: Chemically modified HSA at the
benzodiazepine binding area. 4th Int. Symp. Chiral Discrimination, Montreal,
1993. Abs. n. 47.
2) C. Bertucci, G. Ascoli et al.: HSA as HPLC selector. 5th M. Pharm. An.,
Alghero, p. 26, 1993.
3) C. Bertucci, G. Ascoli et al.: The binding of 5-fluorouracil to native
and modified HSA. 5th Int. Symp. Pharm. Biom. Anal. Stockholm, 1994. Abs. n.
4) G. Ascoli et al.: Competitive binding of two drugs to HSA, CD studies.
Abs. n. L25.
5) C. Bertucci, G. Ascoli et al.: Resolution of racemic drugs by HSA-HPLC.
Abs. n. PLC5.
6) C. Bertucci and G. Ascoli: Stereospecific binding of drugs to HSA. XI
Workshop Pharmac. Chemistry. Bari, 1994. Abs. n. C10, p. 10.
7) J. Olds, G. Ascoli et al.: PKC and cp20 in the sea urchin egg. Cold
Spring Harbor M. Learning and Memory, NY 1994. p. 87.
8) C. Bertucci, G. Ascoli et al.: HSA-HPLC specific interactions. 7th
Pharm. An. Milan, 1994.
9) G. Ascoli: Characterization by mass spectrometry of protein primary
structure and post-translational modifications. LAS meeting, NIH Jan. 1995.
10) C. Bertucci, G. Ascoli et al.: Stereoselective binding properties of an
atropoisomeric benzodiazepine. 3rd Workshop Biol. Chem. Bologna 1995. Abs.
p. 41.
11) C. Bertucci, G. Ascoli et al.: HSA-HPLC binding studies. Pharm. Sem.,
S. Paulo (Brazil), 1995. Abs. FM239, p. 58.
12) G. Ascoli et al.: PKC in sea urchin eggs upon fertlization. LAS, NINDS
Mar. 1995.
13) J. Olds, G. Ascoli et al.: PKC in the sea urchin, molecular convergence
of fertilization with associative memory. 25th M. Neurosci., S. Diego, 1995.
Abs. 238.14.
14) G. Ascoli et al.: Counting dendritic spines: a somatocentric approach.
Towards a Science of Consciousness, Tucson II, 1996, Abs. n.138, p. 76.
15) G. Ascoli: Biochemical and spectroscopic characterization of cp20, a
protein involved in synaptic plasticity mechanisms. DPLM, U-Penn Med.
Center, Aug. 1996.
16) G. Ascoli: From protein phosphorylation to the matrix of association:
building models of memory from biochemical data. Mon. Lecture of Krasnow
Inst., Oct. 1996.
17) K. Luu, G. Ascoli et al.: Structural characterization of calexcitin.
NIH Festival, 1997.
18) G. Ascoli et al.: Secondary structure and Ca2+-induced conformational
change of CE, a learning-associated protein. 27th M. Neurosci., New Orleans,
1997. Abs. 782.20.
19) J. Krichmar, G. Ascoli et al.: A computer model of saccadic adaptation.
Abs. 921.6.
20) G. Ascoli et al.: Computer generation of anatomically plausible
Abs. 654.5.
21) P. Pergami, G. Ascoli et al.: Secondary structure of the normal PrPC
isoform. NIH Festival 1997.
22) G. Ascoli et al.: Use of CD and FT-IR to determine the secondary
structure of purified proteins in the low-?g range. CD Int. Workshop, p. 56,
Pisa September 1997.
23) J. Krichmar, G. Ascoli, et al.: A novel and efficent approach for
modeling neural behavior: Single Purkinje cell model. Krasnow Institute
Technical Report #1, 1997.
24) J. Krichmar, G. Ascoli, et al: A model of cerebellar saccadic motor
learning using qualitative reasoning.
Canary Isl. (Spain), 1997.
25) P. Pergami, G. Ascoli et al.: Solvent dependence of PrPC. Prion
Workshop, St. Moritz, Italy, March 1998.
26) G. Ascoli: The abstraction of the I: a new attempt to define
self-awareness. Towards a Science of Consciousness, Tucson III, April 1998.
27) J. Patrick, G. Ascoli et al.: Exploratory statistics for motion
control. Interface II, U. Minnesota, May 1998.
28) G. Ascoli: First steps towards computational neuroanatomy. LNC meeting,
NIH, April 1998.
29) G. Ascoli: Hippocampal neuroanatomy: a computational approach. CMBN,
Rutgers Univ. NJ, July 1998.
30) J. Krichmar, G. Ascoli, et al.: A discrete event-driven computer model
of a hippocampal pyramidal cell. 28th M. Neurosci. Los Angeles, 1998.
31) D. Cooke, G. Ascoli et al.: Data visualisation in motor research.
, 1998.
32) G. Ascoli et al.: Computational neuroanatomy of the hippocampus.
, 1998.
33) G. Ascoli: Virtual generation of neuronal morphology and network
anatomy. Neurosci. Seminar, Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, February 1999.
34) S. Senft, G. Ascoli: Reconstruction of brain networks by algorithmic
amplification of morphometry data.
, Alicante (Spain), 1999.
35) J. Symanzik, G. Ascoli, et al.: Visual data mining of brain cells.
Interface III,
U. Minnesota, 1999.
36) G. Ascoli: The rhyme and reason of building realistic neuroanatomical
models. Colloquium, SUNY at Stony Brook, March 1999.
37) J. Krichmar, G. Ascoli, et al.: A detailed network model of cerebellar
saccadic control. Krasnow Institute Technical Report #2, 1999.
38) G. Ascoli: The rules governing dendritic structure. Invited talk,
College of William&Mary, Williamsburg, March 1999.
39) G. Ascoli: The rhyme and reason of Computational Neuroanatomy. Invited
talk, Human Brain Project Neuroinformatics Seminars, National Institute of
Health, August 1999.
40) Ascoli G., J.L. Krichmar: L-Neuron, a modeling tool for the efficient
generation and parsimonious description of dendritic morphology.
, Pittsburgh, PA (2000).
41) S. Washington, G. Ascoli, et al.: Statistical analysis of CA3 pyramidal
cell morphology’s effect on electrophysiology.
42) G. Ascoli: The rhyme and reason of Computational Neuroanatomy.
"Brains & Machines" lecture series, MIT, Cambridge, MA,
November 1999.
43) G. Ascoli: Progress and perspectives in computational neuroanatomy.
Exp. Biol. San Diego, April 2000.
44) G. Ascoli: Computational Neuroanatomy. Neurosciences Institute, La
Jolla, CA, April 2000.
45) S. Nasuto, G. Ascoli et al.: Algorithmic analysis of
electrophysiological data to investigate the structure-activity relationship
in neurons. Complex Systems, Nashua, NH, 2000.
46) G. Ascoli: Computational Neuroanatomy, a new research approach to
phsyiological psychology. GMU Psyc. Dept. Brown Bag seminars, March 2000.
47) G. Ascoli et al.: The L-Neuron Project, a progress report. Human Brain
Project, Bethesda, MD, June 2000.
48) S. Nasuto, G. Ascoli et al.: A computational study of neuronal
morphology and physiology in an Alzeheimer’s Disease model. Comp. Neurosci.
Conf. Brugges, Belgium, July 2000.
49) G. Ascoli: Computer generation of virtual brains. Scuola Normale Sup.
Pisa, Italy, July 2000.
50) G. Ascoli: Modeling neuronal structures from dendrites to networks. NYU
Neurosci. Sem. and Graduate Student series. New York, NY, September 2000.
51) G. Ascoli: Neuroanatomy & neuroinformatics. NIH Retreat, Warrenton,
VA, Sept. 2000.
52) G. Ascoli: Careers in Bioinformatics – From Neurochemistry to
computational neuroanatomy. AWIS conference, NIH, Bethesda, MD, September
53) G. Ascoli: The algorithmic beauty of neurons. EMBL, Heidelberg,
Germany, Oct. 2000.
54) R. Scorcioni, G. Ascoli et al.: Algorithmic extraction of morphological
statistics from archives of neuroanatomy. 30th M. Neurosci., New Orleans,
Oct. 2000. Abs. 71.2.
55) G. Ascoli: Anatomy and neuroinformatics. Int. Workshp Sci. Engineering,
Arlington, VA, Oct. 2000.
56) G. Ascoli: Computer generation of virtual brains. Grad. School of
Engineering, Genova Univ., April 2001.
57) G. Ascoli: Neuroanatomical Data Mining. HBP meeting, Bethesda, MD, May
58) G. Ascoli et al.: An overview of the Human Brain Project. Natl. Library
of Med., June 2001.
59) G. Ascoli: The algorithmic beauty of neurons. Natl. Inst. Aging, NIH
Baltimore, June 2001.
60) A. Samsonovich and G. Ascoli: An alternative view of hippocampal
cognitive mapping. Boston NN Conference, June 2001.
61) A. Samsonovich and G. Ascoli: An algorithm for maze navigation. ICCM,
Fairfax, VA, July 2001.
62) R. Scorcioni, G. Ascoli et al.:
A real-scale anatomical model of the DG.
CNS, S. Barbara, CA, July 2001.
63) A. Samsonovich and G. Ascoli: Hippocampal cognitive maps: an
alternative view.
, 2001.
64) M. Lazarewicz, G. Ascoli et al.: A new model of CA3 pyramidal cell
bursting. Neural Computation Workshop, Plymouth, UK, Sept. 2001.
65) G. Ascoli et al.: Neuroinformatics & Human Brain Project. VA
Biotech, Arlington, Oct. 2001.
65) G. Ascoli: Modeling dendritic morphology. Amsterdam Neuroinf. Conf.
Oct. 2001.
66) G. Ascoli: Can we model dendritic morphology? Neuroscience Seminar
series, University of California at Berkeley, November 2001.
67) J. Krichmar, G. Ascoli et al.: Effects of dendritic morphology on CA3
pyramidal cell electrophysiology: a simulation study. 31st M. Neurosci., San
Diego, CA, Nov. 2001.
68) D. Donohue, G. Ascoli et al: Generation of anatomically plausible
virtual hippocampal pyramidal cell dendrites.
, 2001.
69) A. Samsonovich and G. Ascoli: Bayesian analysis of dendritic
orientation indicates cell-specific somatodendritic repulsion.
, 2001.
70) M. Lazarewicz, G. Ascoli et al.: Synaptically-driven firing in CA3
, 2001.
71) G. Ascoli and Computational Neuroanatomy Group: Electronic demo of the
L-Neuron project. NIMH Booth. Ibid, 2001.
72) G. Ascoli and A. Samsonovich: Somatocentric tropism in hippocampal
neurons. NIPS, Vancouver, CA, Dec. 2001.
73) G. Ascoli: Modeling neuroanatomy: from proteins to brains. Reading
Univ., UK, Dec. 2001.
74) G. Ascoli: The L-Neuron project: progress and perspectives in the
synthesis of neuronal morphology. HBP meeting, Bethesda, MD, May 2002.
75) D. Gardner, G. Ascoli et al.: Principles of data sharing.
76) G. Ascoli: Myth and reality of neural networks: from spherical cows to
virtual brains. Polytechnic Math Department, Milan, Italy, June 2002.
77) G. Ascoli: Computational models of the structure-activity relationship
in the central nervous system. Chemistry Colloquium, University of Pisa,
Italy, June 2002.
78) R. Scorcioni, G. Ascoli et al.: Machine learning rules for the
quantitative definition of neuromorphological classes. 32nd M. Neurosci.,
Orlando, FL, Nov. 2002.
79) A. Samsonovich and G. Ascoli: Biophysical determinants of dendritic
morphology in hippocampal principal neurons.
, 2002.
80) G. Ascoli: Opening remarks to
Computational Neuroanatomy – Principles and Methods
(G. Ascoli, Ed.), Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, 2002.
81) G. Ascoli et al.: An information science infrastructure for
, 1:1-2 (2003).
82) G. Ascoli: From data to knowledge.
, 1(2):145-147 (2003).
83) G. Ascoli: Abstract concepts & neural association. Arch Lab
Seminars, GMU, March 2003
84) G. Ascoli: Progress and perspectives in computational neuroanatomy:
From spherical cows to virtual brains. Neurosciences Institute Colloquium,
San Diego, CA, April 2003.
85) G. Ascoli: Quantitative neuroanatomical models. Pharmacology
Colloquium, Milan University, April 2003.
86) G. Ascoli: Neuroanatomical algorithms for dendritic modeling: an
update. HBP meeting, Bethesda, MD, May 2003
87) G. Ascoli: Computing the brain. 1st Dendrite Workshop, Naples, Italy,
May 2003.
88) G. Ascoli: Computational models and neurological disorders. European
Alzheimer’s conference, Sorrento, Italy, May 2003
89) G. Ascoli: Electrotonic effects on spike response model dynamics. Int.
Conf. Neural Networks, Portland, OR, July 2003.
90) G. Ascoli: Dendrites, spikes, & mental retardation. Keynote
Lecture, Fragile X Conf., Cyprus, August 2003.
91) G. Ascoli and J. Atkeson: Databasing hippocampal connectivity, Neural
Coding, Aulla, Italy, September 2003.
92) R. Scorcioni, G. Ascoli et al.: Quantitative morphometry of
reconstructed hippocampal pyramidal cells. NIH BISTI conference, Bethesda,
MD, November 2003.
93) S. Polavaram, G. Ascoli et al.: Morphometric analysis of neuronal
, 2003.
94) D. Ropireddy, G. Ascoli et al.: A virtual reality model of the rat
hippocampus from magnetic resonance microscopy image stacks.
, 2003.
95) J. Krichmar, G. Ascoli et al.: Effects of ?-catenin on dendritic
morphology and simulated firing patterns in hippocampal neurons. 33rd M.
Neurosci. New Orleans, November 2003.
96) D. Donohue, G. Ascoli et al.: Diameter dependent morphological models
of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cell dendrites.
, 2003
97) G. Ascoli et al.: Dendritic growth in spinal motoneuron of the neonatal
98) A. Samsonovich and G. Ascoli: A complete algorithmic description of
dendritic morphology in hippocampal pyramidal cells.
, 2003.
99) G. Ascoli: Analysis and synthesis of dendritic morphology.
, 2003.
100) G. Ascoli and Computational Neuroanatomy Group: Electronic demo of the
L-Neuron project. NIMH Booth. Ibid, 2003.
101) G. Ascoli: Using the brain to simulate the brain. Neuroscience
colloquium, Bracco Pharmaceutical Corp., Milan, Italy, December 2003.
102) G. Ascoli: Brain, mind, and consciousness. Keynote lecture, Humanist
Society of Washington, Annandale, VA, January 2004.
103) S. Koslow, G. Ascoli et al.: Improved experimentation through
modeling. Winter Brain Conference, Copper Mountain, CO, January 2004.
104) A. Samsonovich, G. Ascoli: Algorithmic description of dendritic
structure in hippocampal principal cells. HBP Meeting, Bethesda, MD, May,
105) R. Scorcioni, G. Ascoli et al.: Computational neuroanatomy of
dendrites and axons.
, 2004.
106) D. Ropireddy, G. Ascoli et al.: A 3D model of the rat hippocampus.
, 2004.
107) G. Ascoli: Analysis and synthesis of neuronal morphology.
, 2004.
108) A. Samsonovich and G. Ascoli: A neural network model of the
hippocampus suggesting its role in the navigation of memory. 8th Int. Conf.
Cog. Neur. Syst., Boston, MA, May 2004.
109) R. Scorcioni, G. Ascoli et al.: Quantitative morphometry of
hippocampal pyramidal cells. NEURON simulator meeting, Chicago, IL, May
110) G. Ascoli: Dendrites: from shape to action. Colloquium, Univ. Palermo
(Italy), June 2004.
111) G. Ascoli: Computing neuronal structure. K. Lorenz Lecture, Vienna
(Austria), July 2004.
112) D. Donohue and G. Ascoli: Morphological noise in a computational model
of dendritic branching. CNS, Baltimore, MD, July 2004.
113) R. Scorcioni and G. Ascoli: Algorithmic reconstruction of complete
axonal arborizations in rat hippocampal neurons.
, 2004.
114) A. Samsonovich and G. Ascoli: Algorithmic description of hippocampal
granule cell dendritic morphology.
, 2004.
115) G. Ascoli: Computing the brain. Learning in Retirement, Fairfax, VA,
September 2004.
116) G. Ascoli: Automated reconstruction of angiographic data. Int. Cons.
Brain Mapp. Maui, HI, October 2004.
117) A. Samsonovich and G. Ascoli: Accurate algorithmic description of
hippocampal dendritic morphology. 34th M. Neurosci. San Diego, CA, October
118) M. Migliore and G. Ascoli: Signal propagation in CA1 pyramidal cells.
, 2004.
119) X. Li and G. Ascoli: Investigating the neuronal input-output
relationship by computational modeling.
, 2004.
120) D. Ropireddy, G. Ascoli et al.: A 3D model of the rat hippocampus.
, 2004
121) R. Scorcioni, G. Ascoli et al.: Web-based analysis of neuronal
, 2004
122) G. Ascoli and A. Samsonovich: A connectionist model of hippocampal
memory navigation.
, 2004.
123) G. Ascoli and Computational Neuroanatomy Group: Electronic demo of the
L-Neuron project. NIMH Booth. Ibid, 2004.
124) G. Ascoli: Neuroanatomy and computational neuroscience. GRID Lecture,
SuperComputing Center, Pittsburgh (PA), December 2004.
125) G. Ascoli: Brain and mind at the crossroad of time (Editorial). Cortex
41(5):619-620 (2005).
126) G. Ascoli: Looking forward to open access (Editorial).
Neuroinformatics 3(1):1-3 (2005).
127) G. Ascoli: Computational neuroanatomy of dendrites and axons. 2nd
Dendrite Workshop, Naples, Italy, January 2005.
128) G. Ascoli: Analysis and synthesis of neuronal morphology. Colloquium,
Cold Spring Harbor Labs, February 2005.
129) G. Ascoli: Neural models, computational neuroanatomy, and virtual
brains. Neuroscience Colloquium, University of Wisconsin Medical School,
Madison (WI), February 2005.
130) G. Ascoli: Spherical cows, virtual brains. Colloquium, Santa Fe Inst.
(NM), March 2005.
131) A. Duque, G. Ascoli, et al.: Morphological characterization of
electrophysiologically identified basal forebrain neurons. Dendrite Mtg.
Young Investigators, Israel, April 2005.
132) G. Ascoli et al.: Input/output relationship in CA3 pyramidal cells.
CRCNS PI Mtg., NSF, Arlington, VA, April 2005.
133) J. Mazziotta, G. Ascoli, et al.: Organizational principles relating
human brain structure and function. Org. Hum. Brain Mapp. Mtg., Toronto
(Canada), June 2005.
134) G. Ascoli: Building, cloning, and morphing canonical neurons. Mind
Brain Institute, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, June 2005.
135) G. Ascoli: Hippocampus and memory navigation. MBL Mtg. Spatial
Learning, Woods Hole, MA, August 2005.
136) J. Mazziotta, G. Ascoli, et al.: Probabilistic human brain atlases:
normal subjects and
neurology patients. Am. Neurol. Ass. Mtg., San Diego, CA, September 2005.
137) G. Ascoli et al.: The Neuroscience Information Framework. Cortical
Interneuron Nomenclature and Classification Mtg., Petilla de Aragona
(Spain), October 2005.
138) A. Samsonovoch, G. Ascoli, et al.: Integrating symbolic and
connectionist components in a hybrid architecture. Darpa BICA Mtg., San
Diego, CA, November 2005.
139) K. DeJong, G. Ascoli, et al.: An integrated self-aware cognitive
140) S. Polavaram, G. Ascoli, et al.: L-Measure: Online statistical
analysis and content-based search of neuronal morphology. 35th M. Neurosci.
Washington, DC, November 2005.
141) K. Brown, G. Ascoli, et al.: A cross-platform freeware tool for
digital reconstruction of neuronal arborizations from image stacks.
142) A. Samsonovich, G. Ascoli: Morphological homeostasis in cortical
143) R. Scorcioni, G. Ascoli, et al.: Digital 3D reconstruction of neuronal
arborizations from camera lucida drawings.
, 2005.
144) M. Halavi, G. Ascoli, et al.: An annotated, searchable, and curated
electronic inventory of reconstructed neuronal morphologies.
, 2005.
145) D. Ropireddy, G. Ascoli, et al.: Three dimensional reconstruction of
the rat hippocampus: stereology and embedding of neuronal arborizations.
, 2005.
146) G. Ascoli et al.: Progress and breakthroughs in the generation and
description of dendritic morphology under the Human Brain Project.
, 2005.
147) K. Wang, G. Ascoli, et al.: The 2005 CRCNS Meeting. NSF Report,
November 2005.
148) G. Ascoli: Digital anatomy of the rat hippocampus. Neural Inf. Proc.
Mtg., Vancouver (Canada), December 2005.
149) G. Ascoli: Neuroinformatics and computational neuroanatomy.
Colloquium, SISSA Neuroscience, Trieste (Italy), December 2005.
150) G. Ascoli: Neural models, computational neuroanatomy, and virtual
brains. Neuroscience Colloquium, Univ. of Pittsburgh (PA), February 2006.
151) A. Samsonovich, G. Ascoli, et al.: The ‘Integrated self-aware
cognitive architecture’ project. Towards a science of Consciousness, Tucson,
AZ, April 2006.
152) E. De Schutter, G. Ascoli, et al.: The future of the Human Brain
4(2), 2006.
153) G. Ascoli: Neuroinformatics – A computational approach to
neuroscience. Chemistry Colloquium, Univ. Pisa (Italy), April 2006.
154) G. Ascoli: Structure, activity, and function in neuronal cells.
Biotechnology Colloquium, Univ. Bologna (Italy), April 2006.
155) G. Ascoli et al.: Seed repositories for data sharing. HBP Mtg.,
Bethesda, MD, April 2006.
156) A. Samsonovich, G. Ascoli, et al.: Human-level psychometrics for
cognitive architectures. 5th Int. Conf. Dev. & Learn., Bloomington, IN,
May 2006.
157) R. Scorcioni, G. Ascoli, et al.: NeuroMorpho.Org. NEURON Mtg, Austin,
TX, May 2006.
158) G. Ascoli: Neuroinformatics: from neural models to virtual brains.
Brain Science Forum, Riken Institute, Tokyo (Japan), May 2006.
159) G. Ascoli: Digital reconstruction and morphological analysis of rat
cerebellar climbing fibers. Medical & Dental University, Tokyo (Japan),
May 2006.
160) K. DeJong, G. Ascoli, et al.: An integrated, biologically inspired,
self-aware cognitive architecture. Darpa Tech. Exch. Mtg., Boston, MA, May
161) A. Samsonovich, G. Ascoli: Linguistic cognitive maps and the human
value. Artif. Int. Workshop, Bethesda, MD, May 2006.
162) G. Ascoli et al.: Input/Output Relationship in CA3 Pyramidal Cells:
Year 2 Progress Report. NSF Collab. Res. Comp. Neurosci. PI Mtg, Arlington,
VA, June 2006.
163) D. Jaffe, G. Ascoli, et al.: Modeling the active hyperpolarizing
response to somatic current injection in hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons.
, 2006.
164) D. Gardner, G. Ascoli, et al.: Towards a Neuroscience Information
Framework. Human Brain Mapping, Florence (Italy), June 2006.
165) G. Ascoli: Computational neuroanatomy: from neuronal models to virtual
brains. Neuroscience Colloquium, Univ. Turin (Italy), June 2006.
166) G. Ascoli: Role of journals in data sharing. Brain Database Mtg, Oslo
(Norway), June 2006.
167) A. Samsonovich, G. Ascoli, et al.: Computational assessment of the
“magic” of human cognition. IEEE World Congr. Comput. Intell., Vancouver
(Canada), July 2006.
168) G. Ascoli: The ups and downs of neuroscience shares.
4(3), 2006.
169) A. Samsonovich, G. Ascoli, et al.: Integrated self-aware cognitive
architecture for virtual roboscout. 21st Conf. Artif. Intell. (AAAI/IAAI),
Boston, MA, July 2006.
170) K. DeJong, G. Ascoli, et al.: The GMU BICA Progress Report. DARPA PI
Mtg., San Francisco, CA, August 2006.
171) K. DeJong, G. Ascoli, et al.: An Integrated Self-Aware Cognitive
Architecture - GMU Team BICA Phase I Report to DARPA, September 2006.
172) K. Brown, G. Ascoli, et al.: Digital reconstruction and morphological
analysis of rat cerebellar climbing fibers. 36th M. Neurosci. Atlanta, GA,
October 2006.
173) E. Galvan, G. Ascoli, et al.: The induction of mossy fiber LTP in CA3
S. Lacunosum Moleculare interneurons is Hebbian.
, 2006.
174) T. Perez, G. Ascoli, et al.: Quantitative characterization of
elementary synaptic inputs to CA3 pyramidal cells.
, 2006.
175) D. Gardner, G. Ascoli, et al.: The Neuroscience Information Framework.
, 2006.
176) M. Migliore, G. Ascoli, et al.: Modeling the active hyperpolarizing
response to somatic current injection in hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons.
, 2006.
177) R. Goertz, G. Ascoli, et al.: Accommodating and reverse accommodating
firing patterns of CA3 pyramidal neurons.
, 2006.
178) A. Samsonovich, G. Ascoli: Self-organizing linguistic cognitive maps
as a key to the human value and semantic memory systems.
, 2006.
179) A. Mares, G. Ascoli, et al.: Spike-mediated calcium influx into
hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neuron dendrites.
, 2006.
180) D. Donohue, G. Ascoli: Comparative modeling of dendritic morphology.
, 2006.
181) A. Samsonovich, G. Ascoli: An evolutionary approach to the algorithmic
description of dendritic morphology in hippocampal pyramidal cells.
, 2006.
182) A. Komendantov, G. Ascoli: Activity-dependent regulation of synaptic
, 2006.
183) J. Bjaalie, G. Ascoli, et al.: Neuroinformatics initiatives and
NeuroMorpho.Org (electronic demo at the International Neuroinformatics
Coordinating Facility booth).
, 2006.
184) D. Gardner, G. Ascoli, et al.: A prototype national neuroinformatics
, 2006.
185) G. Ascoli: Towards virtual brains.
Vision Lecture
, Fairfax VA, October 2006.
186) D. Donohue, G. Ascoli: Comparative modeling of dendritic morphology.
Mid-Atlantic Bio Conf. Washington DC, October 2006.
187) G. Ascoli: Digital angiography. Int. Cons. Brain Mapp. Kauai HI,
November 2006.
188) G. Ascoli: The ups and downs of neuroscience shares. Knowledge
Environment in Biomedical Research, NIH Workshop, Bethesda, MD, December
189) G. Ascoli: The Virtual Hippocampus Project. IBM Research Colloquium,
Yorktown Heights, NY, December 2006.
190) G. Ascoli: The Virtual Hippocampus Project. Computational Neuroscience
Colloquium, Antwerp, Belgium, February 2007.
191) D. Donohue, G. Ascoli: Computer models of nerve cell structures. Grad.
Res. Fair. Richmond, VA, February 2007.
192) G. Ascoli, A. Samsonovich: For goal scoring, the right place and the
right time are matters of context [electronic response to Hok et al.,
Goal-related activity in hippocampal place cells]. J Neurosci 2007;
193) G. Ascoli: Quantitative analysis and modeling of the statistical
determinants of neuronal geometry. Neuron Identities Conf., HHMI, Janelia
Farm, VA, March 2007.
194) D. Donohue, G. Ascoli: Comparative modeling of neuronal morphology.
, 2007.
195) M. Halavi, G. Ascoli: NeuroMorpho.Org: neuronal morphology
identification, classification, archiving, and sharing.
, 2007.
196) D. Gardner, G. Ascoli, et al.: Neuroscience Information Framework.
Neuroinformatics Mtg, CalTech, Pasadena, CA, April 2007.
197) G. Ascoli: Neural informatics, structures, and dynamics. Mol.
Microbiol. Colloquium, GMU, Manassas, VA, May 2007.
198) G. Ascoli et al.: Input/Output Relationship in CA3 Pyramidal Cells:
Year 3 Progress Report. NSF Collab. Res. Comp. Neurosci. PI Mtg, College
Park, MD, June 2007.
199) G. Ascoli, R. Scorcioni: Neuromorphology reconstruction, analysis
& modeling.
, 2007.
200) G. Ascoli et al.: Data sharing for computational neuroscience.
201) D. Kennedy, G. Ascoli, et al.: Linking neuroscience database with
journal publications. SfN PubmedPlus conference, St. Louis, MO, June 2007.
202) G. Ascoli: Times of Change, Times of Growth. Editorial,
Neuroinformatics 5(2), 2007.
203) G. Ascoli: Digital neuroanatomy. Neurosci. Coll., Natl. Res. Inst.,
Catania, Italy, July 2007.
204) D. Myatt, G. Ascoli, et al.: Neuronal Reconstruction Workshop. Comput.
Neurosci. Mtg, Toronto (Canada), July 2007.
205) G. Ascoli: Anatomically plausible real-scale brain models. Electronic
Cortex Workshop, Arlington, VA, August 2007.
206) A. Samsonovich, G. Ascoli, et al.: Comparative study of
self-organizing semantic cognitive maps derived from natural language. 29th
M. Cog. Sci. Soc., Nashville, TN, August 2007.
207) G. Ascoli: Dendrite computation and informatics. Colloquium,
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, August 2007.
208) G. Ascoli: Computational neuroanatomy of the rat hippocampus. Neural
Circuits Conf., HHMI, Janelia Farm, VA, September 2007.
209) D. Ropireddy, G. Ascoli: Potential synaptic connectivity patterns and
stereological properties in the rat hippocampus.
210) G. Ascoli: Semantic maps. Brain&Behavior colloquium, Cornell Univ.
September 2007.
211) G. Ascoli et al.: NeuroMorpho.Org and the Neuroscience Information
Framework. NIH Blueprint Neuroinformatics Workshop. Bethesda, MD, October
212) G. Ascoli et al.: Success stories in neuroscience data sharing. Satel.
Symp., 37th M. Neurosci. San Diego, CA, November 2007.
213) K. Brown, G. Ascoli, et al.: Dendritic complexity segregates CA3
interneurons into distinct cell classes. 37th M. Neurosci. San Diego, CA,
November 2007.
214) A. Vogel, G. Ascoli, et al.: Quantifying the content and distribution
of human autobiographical memories.
, 2007.
215) D. Ropireddy, G. Ascoli: Digital packing of neuronal arborizations in
a 3D model of the rat hippocampus.
, 2007.
216) D. Jaffe, G. Ascoli, et al.: The distribution of voltage-gated Ca2+
channels in the dendrites of hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons: an
experimental and modeling study.
, 2007.
217) S. Wright, G. Ascoli, et al.: Digital reconstruction and morphometric
analysis of human brain vasculature from Magnetic Resonance Angiography.
, 2007.
218) J. Berzhanskaya, G. Ascoli, et al.: Hippocampal theta rhythm
modulation: detailed network configurations and effects of subthreshold
electric field.
, 2007.
219) N. Consortium, G. Ascoli, et al.: Neuroscience Information Framework,
public ? release.
, 2007.
220) A. Samsonovich, G. Ascoli, et al.: Semantic dimensions of language.
, 2007.
221) G. Ascoli: The neuronal structure-activity relationship: cellular
mechanisms and quantitative analysis. Mol. Biol. Coll., Univ. Milan (Italy),
December 2007.
222) G. Ascoli: Neuroinformatics Grand Challenges. Editorial,
Neuroinformatics 6(1), 2008.
223) G. Ascoli et al.: Formalizing neuromorphic architectures. SyNAPSE Mtg.
Reston, VA, March 2008.
224) G. Ascoli: Quantifying the relationship between synaptic input and
firing output in hippocampal pyramidal cells. Dendrites Conf., HHMI, Janelia
Farm, VA, March 2008.
225) S. Polavaram, G. Ascoli, et al.: NeuroMorpho.Org: A Central Resource
for Neuronal Morphology in the Digital Age.
, 2008.
226) D. Donohue, G. Ascoli: A computational approach to dendritic
, 2008.
227) G. Ascoli: Informatics issues in cellular neuroanatomy. Informatics
Colloquium, HHMI, Janelia Farm, VA, April 2008.
228) D. Jaffe, G. Ascoli: Intrinsic burst firing and voltage-gated Ca2+
channels in hippocampal CA3b pyramidal neurons. CRCNS PI Mtg, Los Angeles,
CA, June 2008.
229) M. Ferrante, G. Ascoli, et al.: Feed-forward inhibition as a buffer of
the neuronal input-output relation.
, 2008.
230) G. Barrionuevo, G. Ascoli, et al.: Quantitative characterization of
AMPAR- & NMDAR- mediated unitary synaptic inputs to hippocampal CA3
pyramidal cells.
, 2008.
231) G. Ascoli: From digital dendrites to the virtual hippocampus.
Bioinformatics colloquium, Boston Univ., June 2008.
232) G. Ascoli: Bioinformatics for neuroscience. Functional Genomics
School, Ragusa, Italy, July 2008.
233) R. Scorcioni, G. Ascoli, et al.: Self-sustaining non-repetitive
activity in a large scale model of the hippocampus. 17th Comput. Neurosci.
Mtg., Portland, OR, July 2008.
234) J. Berzhanskaya, G. Ascoli, et al.: Electric field modulation of theta
and gamma rhythms: probe into network connectivity.
235) A. Samsonovich, G. Ascoli, et al.: Semantic cognitive mapping of
natural language. CogSci2008, Washington DC, July 2008.
236) A. Samsonovich, G. Ascoli, et al.: Human-level psychometrics for
cognitive architectures. NIST Performance Metrics Intell. Syst. (PerMIS’08),
Gaithersburgh, MD, August 2008.
237) A. Gupta, G. Ascoli, et al.: The Neuroscience Information Framework
(NIF): Accessing diverse neuroscience resources through a single interface.
Neuroinformatics Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, September 2008.
238) G. Ascoli: Computer simulations of neuronal morphology and automated
digital tracing. Comp. Vis. Conf., HHMI, Janelia Farm, VA, September 2008.
239) D. Donohue, G. Ascoli: Statistical models of branching as an aid
towards fully automated neuronal reconstruction.
, 2008.
240) A. Gupta, G. Ascoli, et al.: The Neuroscience Information Framework: a
comprehensive neuroscience dashboard for locating resources on the web. AMIA
Symp., Washington DC, November 2008.
241) A. Samsonovich, G. Ascoli: Computing mood and preference with a
semantic cognitive map. AAAI Mtg., Arlington, VA, November 2008.
242) G. Ascoli et al.: Quantifying memory retrieval: from neural substrates
to subjective content.
, 2008.
243) D. Donohue, G. Ascoli: Statistical models of branching as an aid
towards fully automated neuronal reconstruction. 38th M. Neurosci.
Washington DC, November 2008.
244) J. Baker, G. Ascoli, et al.: Computer simulation of minimally-evoked
recurrent collateral & perforant path excitatory synaptic responses in
CA3b pyramidal cells.
, 2008.
245) S. Wright, G. Ascoli, et al.: Subject-specific models of blood flows
in cerebral arterial trees from high-resolution magnetic resonance images.
, 2008.
246) T. Gillette, G. Ascoli, et al.: Caulescence - A set of morphometric
measures to quantify the prominence of the main path in branching
, 2008.
247) R. Scorcioni, G. Ascoli, et al.: Self-sustaining non-repetitive
activity in a large scale model of the hippocampal circuit.
, 2008.
248) R. Gardner, G. Ascoli, et al.: Quantitative examination of human
autobiographical and prospective memories.
, 2008.
249) D. Jaffe, G. Ascoli: The spatial distribution of subthreshold and
suprathreshold Ca2+ transients in hippocampal CA3b pyramidal neurons.
, 2008.
250) T. Perez, G. Ascoli, et al.: Quantitative characterization of AMPAR-
and NMDAR-mediated unitary synaptic inputs to hippocampal CA3 pyramidal
, 2008.
251) G. Ascoli et al.: Petilla Terminology: Nomenclature of features of
GABAergic interneurons of the cerebral cortex.
, 2008.
252) W. Bug, G. Ascoli, et al.: The NIFSTD vocabulary: Empowering
concept-driven queries against diverse, online neuroscience resources.
, 2008.
253) M. Halavi, G. Ascoli, et al.: Dense coverage of digitally
reconstructed dendrites and axons in NeuroMorpho.Org through extensive
literature mining.
, 2008.
254) S. Polavaram, G. Ascoli, et al.: NeuroMorpho.Org implementation of
digital neuroanatomy: public distribution of 3D reconstructions and deep
registration with the NIF.
, 2008.
255) M. Ferrante, G. Ascoli, et al.: Computational models of neuronal
biophysics and the characterization of potential neuropharmacological
, 2008.
256) G. Ascoli et al.: The DIADEM grand challenge contest: automating
DIgital reconstructions of Axonal & DEndritic Morphology.
, 2008.
257) A. Gupta, G. Ascoli, et al.: Finding neuroscience information from
heterogeneous information sources with NIF.
, 2008.
258) G. Ascoli: NeuroMorpho.Org: from SoftWare to Hard Data.
, 2008.
259) M. Ferrante, G. Ascoli, et al: Feed-forward inhibition as a buffer of
the neuronal input-output relation.
, 2008.
260) K. Brown, G. Ascoli, et al.: Morphological diversity and spatial
orientation of rat cerebellar climbing fibers: branch types and cortical
, 2008.
261) G. Ascoli: From dendrites to connectomics: computational neuroanatomy,
neuroinformatics, and the brain. Neurosci. Coll., Redwood Ctr, Berkeley, CA,
Nov. 2008.
262) N. Srinivasa, G. Ascoli, et al.: Radical Synapse. Electronic Cortex
Mtg, San Jose, CA, November 2008.
263) G. Ascoli: Functional and anatomical hippocampal architecture. HRL
Synapse Mtg (Webcast), December 2008.
264) A. Samsonovich, G. Ascoli: GMU BICA, a basis for Synapse. HRL Synapse
Mtg (Webcast), December 2008.
265) G. Ascoli: Hippocampus Network Dynamics. HRL Colloquium, Malibu, CA,
January 2009.
266) G. Ascoli: From dendrites to connectomics: computational neuroanatomy,
neuroinformatics, and the hippocampus. Neurosci. Coll., Univ. CA Irvine,
January 2009.
267) G. Ascoli: Computing synaptic efficacy. HHMI Coll., JFRC, February
268) G. Ascoli: The electronic hippocampus. HRL Synapse site visit,
February 2009.
269) G. Ascoli: Feed-forward inhibition as an I/O buffer. HHMI Conf., JFRC,
March 2009.
270) G. Ascoli: From Golgi to the Internet. Neurosci. Coll., Univ. Verona,
Italy, March 2009.
271) G. Ascoli: Representing neuromorphology. NeuroML Conf., London, UK,
March 2009.
272) G. Ascoli: From Golgi to the Internet, and beyond: Hippocampus,
Neuroinformatics, and Computational Neuroanatomy. Neurology Coll. WVU
Morgantown, WV, May 2009.
273) G. Ascoli: NeuroMorpho.Org: a gold mine of digitally reconstructed
axonal & dendritic trees. CRCNS PI Mtg, Pittsburgh, June 2009.
274) T. Perez-Rosello, G. Ascoli, et al.: Propagation of AMPAR- and
NMDAR-mediated unitary responses from proximal and distal synapses in CA3
pyramidal cells.
, 2009.
275) J. Baker, G. Ascoli, et al.: A computer model of unitary recurrent
collateral and perforant path excitatory synaptic responses in passive CA3
pyramidal cells.
, 2009.
276) G. Ascoli: Ontologies, Neurolex, & Neuron Registry. NIF Mtg,
Bethesda MD, June 2009.
277) G. Ascoli et al.: Cortical neurons classification. EMBO Conf.,
Mallorca, Spain, June 2009.
278) G. Ascoli: From Cajal to virtual brains. CNS Conf., Berlin, Germany,
July 2009.
279) G. Ascoli: Coming of age of the Hippocampome. INCF Conf., Pilsen,
Czech R. Sept. 2009.
280) M. Martone, G. Ascoli, et al.: NIF - A neuroscience-centered portal
for searching and accessing diverse resources.
, 2009.
281) G. Ascoli: The INCF Neuron Registry Task Force.
, 2009.
282) G. Ascoli: Quantifying tree differences. Max Planck Inst. Berlin,
Germany, Sept. 2009.
283) G. Ascoli: The INCF Neuron Registry Task Force. Cajal Club Mtg, Pavia,
Italy, Sept. 2009.
284) A. Gupta, G. Ascoli, et al.: NIF - A unified semantic search framework
for neurosciences resources on the web. AMIA conf., October 2009.
285) A. Samsonovich, G. Ascoli: A biologically-inspired microcircuit with
cognitive capabilities. 38th M. Neurosci. Chicago, IL, October 2009.
286) R. Gardner, G. Ascoli, et al.: Clarifying a functional relationship
between place and response learning using a novel behavioral paradigm.
, 2009.
287) M. Martone, G. Ascoli, et al.: A neuroscience-centered portal for
searching and accessing diverse resources.
, 2009.
288) G. Ascoli: Infrastructures for formalizing neuronal features.
, 2009.
289) S. Polavaram, G. Ascoli, et al.: Neuroinformatics resources for
computational neuroanatomy.
, 2009.
290) F. Imnam, G. Ascoli, et al.: NIFSTD, a comprehensive neuroscience
, 2009.
291) R. Gardner, G. Ascoli, et al.: Measuring rates of human memory
retrieval. AAAI Mtg., Arlington, VA, November 2009.
292) G. Ascoli: Neuronal arbors and the capability to acquire knowledge.
Krasnow Seminar, Fairfax, VA, November 2009.
293) G. Ascoli: From Cajal to the Internet, and beyond: computational
strategies for neuroanatomy. Neuroscience Seminar, Mount Sinai School of
Medicine, December 2009.
294) G. Ascoli: Neuronal arbors and the capability to acquire knowledge.
Neuroscience colloquium, San Raffaele Hospital, Milan, Italy, December 2009.
295) E. De Schutter, G. Ascoli, et al.: Review of papers describing
neuroinformatics software. Neuroinformatics, 7(4), 2009.
296) A. Samsonovich & G. Ascoli: How to measure the meaning of
everything. SyNAPSE Phase 1 Mtg, Malibu, CA, December 2009.
297) G. Ascoli: Neuron types, statistical connectivity, and network
computation. European Neuroinformatics Workshop, Warsaw, Poland, January
298) G. Ascoli: Neuronal morphology, cell classes, and brain parcellation.
INCF PONS Task Force Mtg, Boston, MA, January 2010.
299) G. Ascoli: Success stories in neuroscience data sharing.
Advisory Board Mtg, Berkeley, CA, February 2010.
300) G. Ascoli: Towards a hardware hippocampus. HRL site visit, Malibu, CA,
February 2010.
301) G. Ascoli: On dendrites, axons, and network connectivity. Neuroscience
colloquium, Univ. Texas San Antonio, March 2010.
302) G. Ascoli: The coming of age of the hippocampome. Neuroinformatics,
8(1), 2010.
303) G. Ascoli: Stochastic models to define species and individuals.
Highland Forum on Global Brain, Fairfax, VA, March 2010.
304) G. Ascoli: Neurobotanical gardens. Hamiltonian SofaLab panel, Fairfax,
VA, April 2010.
305) G. Ascoli: Trees of the Mind. Ctr Consciousness & Transformation
lecture, Fairfax, VA, April 2010.
306) G. Ascoli: The neuron registry and the Hippocampome. HHMI Conf., JFRC,
May 2010.
307) M. Halavi, G. Ascoli, et al.: Annotation, management, and
visualization of 3D data in NeuroMorpho.Org. Ibid, 2010.
308) S. Polavaram, G. Ascoli, et al.: Linking databases to standardized
terminologies and ontologies for deep knowledge mining. Ibid, 2010.
309) D. Wheeler, G. Ascoli, et al.: The Hippocampome project. Ibid, 2010.
310) D. Hamilton, G. Ascoli, et al.: Neuroinformatics tools to establish
and support the Neuron Registry. Ibid, 2010.
311) S. Polavaram & G. Ascoli: NeuroMorpho.Org use case. NIF AHM Mtg.,
San Diego, CA, June 2010.
312) Ascoli G., et al.: Local control of post-inhibitory rebound spiking in
CA1 pyramidal neuron dendrites. CRCNS PI Mtg, Baltimore, MD, June 2010.
313) G. Ascoli: From neuronal morphology to network connectivity: a
neuroinformatics approach to hippocampal modeling. FENS Mtg., Amsterdam, The
Netherland, July 2010.
314) G. Ascoli: Progress on the INCF Neuron Registry. Ibid, 2010
315) D. Hamilton, G. Ascoli: The Neuron Registry Curator Interface.
Neuroinformatics Congress, Kobe, Japan, September 2010.
316) M. Martone, G. Ascoli, et al.: Program on ontologies of neural
structures. Ibid, 2010.
317) M. Martone, G. Ascoli, et al.: practical experience with large scale
integration of federated neuroscience data. Ibid, 2010.
318) G. Ascoli: The DIADEM challenge. HHMI Neural Reconstruction conf.,
September 2010.
319) D. Ropireddy, G. Ascoli: Intrinsic potential synaptic connectivity in
a cellular-level 3D model of the rat hippocampus. HHMI Light-level circuit
reconstructions, October 2010.
320) D. Hamilton, G. Ascoli, et al.: Knowledge management tools to describe
neuron types based on their properties. 39th M. Neurosci. San Diego, CA,
November, 2010.
321) G. Ascoli: Neurons on the Net. Neuroinformatics session. Ibid, 2010.
322) S. Wright, G. Ascoli, et al.: Digital reconstruction and morphometric
analysis of human brain vasculature from Magnetic Resonance Angiography.
Ibid, 2010.
323) S. Polavaram, G. Ascoli, et al.: From data sharing to knowledge
mining: expanded use of NeuroMorpho.Org by linkage to standardized
ontologies. Ibid, 2010.
324) D. Wheeler, G. Ascoli, et al.: The “Hippocampome”, a database of
potential connectivity among neuronal classes in the rodent hippocampus.
Ibid, 2010.
325) D. Ropireddy, G. Ascoli: Intrinsic potential synaptic connectivity in
a cellular-level 3D model of the rat hippocampus. Ibid, 2010.
326) M. Migliore, G. Ascoli, et al.: Rebound spiking in CA1 pyramidal
neuron dendrites can be locally modulated by the A-type K+ current. Ibid,
327) J. Grethe, G. Ascoli, et al.: A teaching and educational resource for
neuroscience related information. Ibid, 2010.
328) J. Grethe, G. Ascoli, et al.: A unified semantic framework for
discovery and integration of biomedical data and resources on the web. Ibid,
329) F. Imam, G. Ascoli, et al.: A comprehensive ontology for neuroscience.
Ibid, 2010.
330) G. Ascoli: Quantifying autobiographical memory content. Psychiatric
colloquium, Univ. Milan, Italy, November 2010.
331) G. Ascoli: Trees of the Mind. NSF Skeptics Series, Arlington, VA,
December 2010.
332) G. Ascoli: Recent advances, low-hanging fruit, strategic vision in
Cognitive Modeling. AFRL workshop Advanced Initiatives, Dayton, OH, Janurary
333) G. Ascoli: Neuroinformatics & cognitive models. HRL Coll., Malibu,
CA, February 2011
334) J. Baker, G. Ascoli: Tracking the source of quantitative knowledge in
neuroscience: A neuroinformatics role for computational models.
Neuroinformatics, 9(1), 2011.
335) R. Gardner, G. Ascoli, et al.: The transition from attentive to
automatic performance is sensitive to specific successive behaviors. HHMI
Decision Making, March 2011.
336) G. Ascoli: The NeuroNavigator spiking model. HRL Synapse, Malibu, CA,
March 2011.
337) G. Ascoli: Neuromorphology standards. NeuroML Workshop, London (UK),
March 2011.
338) G. Ascoli: The INCF Neuron Registry. Cell Ontology Mtg, Atlanta, GA,
April 2011.
339) G. Ascoli: Hippocampal Connectome Project. Mason-Inova Translational
Biomedical Research Workshop. Fairfax, VA, April 2011.
340) G. Ascoli: Neuroinformatics of the Hippocampus: from neuronal
morphology to network function. USUHS colloquium, Bethesda, MD, April 2011.
341) G. Ascoli: From attention to automation: a multi-scale neurocognitive
model of learning and the hippocampus. ONR Neurocognitive Workshop,
Arlington, VA, April 2011.
342) G. Ascoli: Neuron types, cortical circuitry, and the meso-scale
connectome. HHMI cortical computation, JFRC, May 2011.
343) R. Gardner, G. Ascoli, et al.: Quantitative characterization of
autobiographical and prospective memory. APS Mtg., Washington DC, May 2011.
344) M. Mainetti, G. Ascoli: Much ADO about BIG learning. Ibid, 2011.
345) T. Gillette, G. Ascoli, et al.: DIADEMchallenge.Org: Online resources
for the continuous development of automated neuronal reconstruction.
Neuroinformatics, 9(2), 2011.
346) G. Ascoli, M. Mainetti: Gated learning: much ADO about background
information. Towards a Science of Consciousness, Stockholm (Sweden), May
347) G. Ascoli: Literature mining by full text search. NIF Yr Mtg, San
Diego, CA, June 2011.
348) A. Samsonovich, G. Ascoli: The egg hunt problem. Synapse Mtg, Malibu,
CA, June 2011.
349) G. Ascoli: Sensemaking cognitive modeling. IARPA Icarus Mtg,
Arlington, VA, June 2011.
350) D. Hamilton, G. Ascoli, et al.: Machine-readable description of neuron
types and properties. IBRO, Florence, Italy, July 2011.
351) R. Goldin, G. Ascoli, et al.: Neuronal classification from network
connectivity. Ibid, 2011.
352) G. Ascoli: The Neuron Registry. Live INCF Demo, Ibid, 2011.
353) G. Ascoli: Neuroinformatics and Computational Neuroanatomy. Pfizer
Colloquium, Groton, CT, August 2011.
354) G. Ascoli: From attention to automation. ONR DDRE Brief, Arlington,
VA, August 2011.
355) D. Hamilton, G. Ascoli, et al.: Machine-readable description of neuron
types and properties. Neuroinformatics Congress, Boston, MA, September 2011.
356) S. Polavaram, G. Ascoli: Species, brain regions, and cell types:
hierarchies for mining neuromorphometry. Ibid, 2011.
357) G. Ascoli: From path-finding to problem-solving. Icarus conf., Malibu,
CA, Sept. 2011.
358) G. Ascoli: Graph-theoretic and motif analysis of the hippocampal
network. Ibid, Sept. 2011.
359) G. Ascoli: Neuroinformatics and Computational Neuroanatomy. Medtronic
Symposium Keynote Lecture, Minneapolis, MN, October 2011.
360) G. Ascoli: Classification of hippocampal neurons by axo-dendritic
parcellation. HHMI Neuronal Identity, JFRC, October 2011.
361) D. Hamilton, G. Ascoli, et al.: Machine-readable description of neuron
types and properties. 40th M. Neurosci. Washington DC, November, 2011.
362) S. Polavaram, G. Ascoli: Species, brain regions, and cell types:
hierarchies for mining neuromorphometry. Ibid, 2011.
363) R. Gardner, G. Ascoli, et al.: Sequential task demands affect place
and response strategy recruitment on a modified plus-maze. Ibid, 2011.
364) C. Rees, G. Ascoli
, et al.:
Interpreting the rodent hippocampal structural network at the cell-class
level using graph theory. Ibid, 2011.
365) D. Wheeler, G. Ascoli
, et al.:
Towards an unambiguous identification of the known neuronal classes of the
rodent hippocampus. Ibid, 2011.
366) R. Parekh
, G. Ascoli
, et al.: NeuroMorpho.Org - 5 yr milestone of data sharing.
Ibid, 2011.
367) T. Gillette,
G. Ascoli
, et al.: Data mining and analysis of neuronal morphologies as gene-like
Ibid, 2011.
368) G. Ascoli et al.: NeuroMorpho.Org and the Neuron Registry. Live NIF
Demo, Ibid, 2011.
369) S. Larson
, G. Ascoli
, et al.: The challenge of neuron classification.
Ibid, 2011.
M. Ferrante
, G. Ascoli
, et al.: Functional consequences of dendritic branch point morphology.
Ibid, 2011.
A. Samsonovich
, G. Ascoli
: NeuroNavigator: a spiking-network cognitive architecture inspired by the
Ibid, 2011.
372) D. Hamilton, G. Ascoli: Neuron Registry & NeuronID. Live INCF
Demo, Ibid, 2011.
373) D. Kennedy, G. Ascoli et al.: Next steps in data oublishing.
Editorial. Neuroinformatics, 9(4), 2011.
374) G. Ascoli: Molecular phenotyping of hippocampal neurons.
Neurodevelopmental Gene Expression Workshop, Allen Brain Institute, Seattle,
WA, December 2011.
375) D. Marchette, G. Ascoli et al.: Investigation of a Random Graph Model
for Neuronal Connectivity. Am. Math. Soc., Boston, MA, January 2012.
376) R. Goldin, G. Ascoli, et al.: Neuron classification from network
connectivity. Am. Math Ass. Mtg, Washington DC, March 2012.
377) G. Ascoli: Potential connectomics complements the endeavor of “No
Synapse Left Behind” in the cortex.
Invited Perspective
. J. Physiol., 590(4):651-2, 2012.
378) G. Ascoli et al.: Functional impact of dendritic branch point
morphology. HHMI Dendritic computation, JFRC, March 2012.
379) R. Goldin, G. Ascoli, et al.: Neuron classification from network
connectivity. NIST Colloquium, Gaithersburgh, MD, March 2012.
380) G. Ascoli: Twenty Questions for Neuroscience Metadata.
Neuroinformatics, 10(2), 2012.
381) G. Ascoli: Literature mining and data publishing. NIF Mtg, San Diego,
CA, May 2012.
382) G. Ascoli et al.: Translation between Art, Science, and Medicine.
Smith Arts Ctr, Washington DC, May 2012.
383) R. Goldin, G. Ascoli, et al.: Neuron classification from network
connectivity. HHMI Statistics & Neuroscience, JFRC, May 2012.
384) G. Ascoli: Navigating with spikes & places cells. SyNAPSE Mtg.,
Malibu, CA, May 2012.
385) J. Cebral, G. Ascoli et al.: Vascular architecture of the human brain.
Bioengineering Conf., Puerto Rico, June 2012.
386) G. Ascoli, The potential of brain connectivity. NSF Adv. Mtg.,
Arlington, VA June 2012.
387) G. Ascoli: Neuronal Morphology goes Digital. Eur. Inst. Oncol., Milan,
Italy, July 2012.
388) A. Komendantov, G. Ascoli, et al.: Electrophysiological phenotypes of
hippocampal neurons. SfN 2012. New Orleans, LA, Oct. 2012.
389) D. Wheeler, G. Ascoli, et al.: Hippocampal neuron classification.
, 2012.
390) R. Parekh, G. Ascoli, et al.: NeuroMorpho.Org - what’s next?
, 2012.
391) D. Hamilton, G. Ascoli, et al.: Neuroinformatic infrastructure for a
knowledge base of hippocampus neurons.
, 2012.
392) M. Martone, G. Ascoli, et al.: A naming proposal for neuron types.
, 2012.
393) A. Samsonovich, G. Ascoli: Egg hunting with the hippocampus.
, 2012.
394) C. Rees, G. Ascoli, et al.: Molecular profiling of hippocampal
, 2012.
395) D. Wheeler, G. Ascoli, et al.: Hippocampome alpha release.
, 2012.
396) R. Parekh, G. Ascoli, et al.: NeuroMorpho.Org hands-on.
, 2012.
397) E. De Schutter, G. Ascoli, et al.: Ten years of Neuroinformatics.
Neuroinformatics 10(4), 2012.
398) G. Ascoli: Architects or botanists? The relevance of (neuronal) trees
to model cognition. BICA Conf., Palermo (Italy), Oct. 2012.
399) G. Ascoli: Reconstructing the hippocampus from potential synapses to
synaptic potentials. HHMI Light Circuit Reconstruction, JFRC, Oct. 2012
400) G. Ascoli: The potential of brain connectivity. NAKFI conf. Irvine,
CA, Nov. 2012.
401) G. Ascoli: A knowledge base of hippocampus neuron types. HHMI Neuron
Types, JFRC, Nov. 2012.
402) C. White, G. Ascoli, et al.: Molecular profiling of hippocampal
, 2012.
403) D. Wheeler, G. Ascoli, et al.: Hippocampome alpha release.
, 2012.
404) A. Komendantov, G. Ascoli, et al.: Electrophysiology of hippocampal
, 2012.
405) G. Ascoli: Global neuroscience. Neuroinformatics 11(1), 2013.
406) G. Ascoli: Hippocampus: from neurons to function. AFOSR Cognition
& Comput Intell. Conf. Washington DC, January 2013.
407) G. Ascoli: The challenge of metadata annotation. NSF workshop on
understanding the brain, Arlington, VA, May 2013.
408) G. Ascoli: Neuroscience Big Data. AAAS Colloquium, Washington DC, May
409) G. Ascoli: NeuroMorpho.Org: Celebrating the Breakthroughs.
Burroughs-Wellcome Conf., Fairfax, VA, June 2013.
410) R. Parekh, G. Ascoli, et al.: Navigating NeuroMorpho.Org.
, 2013.
411) S. Polavaram, G. Ascoli, et al.: L-Measure hands-on.
, 2013.
412) D. Wheeler, G. Ascoli, et al.: Morphological phenotyping of
hippocampal neurons.
, 2013.
413) T. Gillette, G. Ascoli et al.: Sequencing neuronal morphology.
, 2013.
414) A. Quatrochi, G. Ascoli: Mental Floss, Copper wire and Glass beads.
, 2013.
415) G. Ascoli: Hippocampus: from neurons to function. Sapienza Univ. Rome,
Italy, June 2013.
416) G. Ascoli: Much ADO about BIG learning. HRL Colloquium, Malibu, CA,
July 2013.
417) D. Hamilton, G. Ascoli, et al.: Machine-readable representations of
hippocampal neuron properties. Neuroinformatics Conf., Stockholm, Sweden,
Sept. 2013.
418) S. Larson, G. Ascoli, et al.: The NeuroLex Neuron curation project.
, 2013.
419) M. Martone, G. Ascoli: Connecting connectomes. Neuroinformatics 11(4)
389-92, 2013.
420) R. Parekh, G. Ascoli, et al.: The added value of neuron
reconstructions shared via NeuroMorpho.Org. SfN13, San Diego CA, November
421) C. Rees, G. Ascoli, et al.: Neuron types to parse the function of
, 2013.
422) A. Komendantov, G. Ascoli, et al.: Electrophysiological phenotyping of
hippocampal neurons.
, 2013.
423) D. Hamilton, G. Ascoli, et al.: Digital representations of hippocampal
neuron properties.
, 2013.
424) S. Larson, G. Ascoli, et al.: NeuroLex Neurons.
, 2013.
425) D. Wheeler, G. Ascoli, et al.: An open-access knowledge base of
neuronal properties for the rodent hippocampus.
, 2013.
426) T. Gillette, G. Ascoli et al.: Sequencing neuronal morphology.
, 2013.
427) R. Gardner, G. Ascoli, et al.: Place & response navigation in
dual-solution task.
, 2013.
428) D. Wheeler, G. Ascoli, et al.: Hippocampome.Org hands-on.
, 2013.
429) G. Ascoli: Neuroinformatics challenges (Symp. Brain Aging). SfN13, San
Diego CA, November 2013.
430) G. Ascoli: Data sharing as a foundation of reproducible science. NSF
Workshop, Arlington, VA, February 2014.
431) G. Ascoli: Neurocognitive models of training. ONR mtg, Arlington, VA,
February 2014.
432) G. Ascoli: Minimum metadata standards for neuromorphology. AAAS Symp.
Data Sharing, Washington DC, March 2014.
433) G. Ascoli, M. Mainetti: Much ADO about BIG learning. HHMI Neural Maps,
JFRC, April 2014.
434) G. Ascoli: Computing with a Periodic Table of the Neurons. Joint Symp.
Neur. Comp., Irvine, CA, May 2014.
435) G. Ascoli: Neuroscience data sharing. BRAIN Mtg, US Presidential
Bioethics Commission, Atlanta, GA, June 2014.
436) G. Ascoli: Digital neuroanatomy. Symp. Adapting Brain, Keystone, CO,
June 2014.
437) G. Ascoli, M. Mainetti: Much ADO about BIG learning. FENS, Milan
(Italy), July 2014.
438) C. White, G. Ascoli, et al.: Crowdsourcing extraction of knowledge
from data: pilot designs in neuroscience. Keck Nakfi PI Mtg, Chicago, IL,
August 2014.
439) G. Ascoli et al.: Cytoskeletal mechanisms of dendrite arbor shape
development. CRCNS PI Mtg, Tempe, AZ, October 2014.
440) G. Ascoli: The mind-brain relationship as a mathematical problem. AAAI
Symp., Arlington, VA, November 2014.
441) S. Nanda, G. Ascoli, et al.: Comparing stochastic growth models to
explore the developmental mechanisms of dendritic arbors. SfN14, Washington
DC, November 2014.
442) D. Wheeler, G. Ascoli, et al.: a knowledge base of
neuron type properties for the rodent hippocampus.
, 2014.
443) C. Rees, G. Ascoli, et al.: Using to unravel the
circuitry of the hippocampal connectome.
, 2014.
444) C. White, G. Ascoli, et al.: - a neuroinformatics
tool for biomarker profiling.
, 2014.
445) A. Komendantov, G. Ascoli, et al.: Firing pattern classification of
hippocampal neurons.
, 2014.
446) S. Venkadesh, G. Ascoli, et al.: Parameter optimization in a CA3
network model by evolutionary algorithms.
, 2014.
447) D. Hamilton, G. Ascoli, et al.: Name-calling in the hippocampus (and
beyond): coming to terms with neuron types and properties.
, 2014.
448) R. Armananzas, G. Ascoli, et al.: Neuron identity in the digital era:
knowledge flow optimization and automatic classification.
, 2014.
449) R. Parekh, G. Ascoli, et al.: The inner workings of NeuroMorpho.Org.
, 2014.
450) S. Polavaram, G. Ascoli, et al.: OntoSearch – Using formal ontologies
to enable concept-based searches in NeuroMorpho.Org.
, 2014.
451) D. Wheeler, G. Ascoli, et al.: Hippocampome.Org pre-beta at NITRC
, 2014.
452) R. Parekh, G. Ascoli, et al.: NeuroMorpho.Org hands-on at NITRC booth.
, 2014.
453) S. Polavaram, G. Ascoli, et al.: L-Measure hands-on at NITRC booth.
, 2014.
454) R. Parekh, G. Ascoli: NeuroMorpho.Org. In D. Jaeger & R. Jung
(eds.) Enc. Comput. Neurosci., Springer, 2014.
455) G. Ascoli: A Spring For Neuroscience Data Sharing. Neuroinformatics
12(4):509-11, 2014.
456) G. Ascoli: Real-scale modeling of the hippocampal network. AFRL
Technical Review, Arlington, VA, November 2014.
457) G. Ascoli: Meet the Editorial Board. Curr. Med. Chem., 22(3):291
458) G. Ascoli: The NeuroMorpho.Org data sharing model. AAAS Mtg, San Jose,
CA, Februrary 2015.
459) G. Ascoli: From DIADEM to BigNeuron. Bejing neuromorphology hackathon,
China, March 2015.
460) G. Ascoli: A knowledge base of neuron types for real-scale hippocampal
simulations. HBP Collaborative modeling, London, UK, April 2015.
461) H. Peng, G. Ascoli, et al.: From DIADEM to BigNeuron.
Neuroinformatics, 13(3):259-260, 2015.
462) G. Ascoli: Neuron classification for real-scale hippocampal modeling.
Open Source Brain workshop, Alghero, Italy, May 2015.
463) G. Ascoli: Computing a periodic table of the neurons. RGS seminars,
Milan Univ., Italy, June 2015.
464) G. Ascoli: Reconstructing dendrites: from development to computation.
Keynote talk, CNS15 morphology workshop, Prague, Czech Rep. July 2015.
465) G. Ascoli: Much ADO about BIG learning. Computation workshop,
, 2015.
466) G. Ascoli: Computing with a Periodic Table of the Neurons. CSHL
seminars, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, August 2015.
467) G. Ascoli: NeuroMorpho.Org and the Hippocampome. Int. Conf. Brain
Inform. & Health, London, UK, August 2015.
468) G. Ascoli: Computing with a Periodic Table of the Neurons. Plenary
address, Indiana University Neuroscience Program 50th anniversary,
Bloomington, IN, September 2015.
469) R. Das, G. Ascoli, et al.: Formin3 regulation of dendritic
architecture. European Drosophila Research Conference, Heidelberg, Germany.
470) D. Cox & G. Ascoli: Molecular determinants of neuromorphological
development. CRCNS PI Mtg, Seattle, WA, September 2015.
471) A. Patel, G. Ascoli, et al.: Combinatorial transcriptional regulation
modulates cytoskeletal-based dendritic development. CSHL Fly Mtg, Cold
Spring Harbor, NY, September 2015.
472) R. Das, G. Ascoli, et al.: Formin3 regulation of dendritic
, 2015.
473) G. Ascoli: Neuronal morphology, network connectivity, and associative
learning. Canada Brain Development, Montreal, Quebec , October 2015.
474) R. Armananzas, G. Ascoli, et al.: NeuroMorpho.Org: connecting neuronal
morphology with digital neuroscience. SfN15, Chicago, IL, October 2015.
475) K. Moradi, G. Ascoli, et al.: Systematic mining of hippocampal
synaptic data.
, 2015.
476) A. Samsonovich, G. Ascoli: A cognitive model of hippocampal
, 2015.
477) G. Ascoli: A periodic table of hippocampal neurons. HHMI Hippocampal
mechanisms, JFRC, November 2015.
478) T. Gillette, G. Ascoli: Building high-throughput consensus for
neuronal morphologies, Big Neuron Analysis workshop, Oak Ridge Natl. Lab,
November 2015.
479) G. Ascoli: Towards reliable consensus for neuromorphologies. BRAIN PI
mtg, Bethesda, MD, December 2015.
480) G. Ascoli: Trees of the brain. Brain awareness week, AAAS, Washington
DC, March 2016.
481) G. Ascoli: Neurons, connectomes, and cognition. TSHSST Neuroscience
Society, Annandale, VA, March 2016.
482) G. Ascoli: Finding Self in neural forests. Inaugural Fenwick Author
Showcase, Fairfax, VA, March 2016.
483) G. Ascoli: Digital neuroscience. Open Scholarship Initiative, Fairfax,
VA, April 2016.
484) G. Ascoli: Statistical neuron-level connectivity maps. Kavli Global
Brain, Baltimore, MD, April 2016.
485) G. Ascoli: 5D-representation of neuromorphology. Okinawa workshop,
Japan, April 2016.
486) G. Ascoli: Biological neural nets. Big Neuroscience Mtg, Nanjing,
China, May 2016.
487) R. Armananzas, G. Ascoli, et al.: NeuroMorpho.Org & digital
neuroscience. SfN Chapter Meeting, Washington DC, May 2016.
488) D. Hamilton, G, Ascoli, et al.: Hippocampome.Org neural nets. Ibid,
489) G. Ascoli: Interoperable cell type atlases, NIH BRAIN Initiative
webinar, June 2016.
490) R. Goldin, G. Ascoli, et al.: Neuron classification from network
connectivity. Math Colloquia, Univ. of Milan, Italy, June 2016.
491) G. Ascoli: Neuron data sharing. ODE Neuroscience Workshop, Washington
DC, July 2016.
492) G. Ascoli: CRAM, SPAM, and experience sampling. Memory Conference,
Budapest, Hungary, July 2016.
493) R. Das, G. Ascoli, et al.: Formin3 regulates dendritic architecture
via microtubule stabilization. Allied Genetic Conference, Orlando, FL, July
494) G. Ascoli: On the data-driven road from neurology to neuronomy.
Neuroinformatics 14(3), 251-2, 2016.
495) G. Ascoli: NeuroMorpho.Org & SWC. INCF Congress, Reading, UK,
September 2016.
496) G. Ascoli: Synaptic inference. INDAM Neuromath Conf., Cortona, Italy,
September 2016.
497) G. Ascoli: Draft neuron census by axo-dendritic location. CSHL Brain
mtg, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, September 2016.
498) G. Ascoli: Sharing neuron data: carrots, sticks, & digital
records. HHMI Janelia Data Driven Models conference. Ashburn, VA, September
499) A. Komendantov, G. Ascoli et al.: Knowledge base of hippocampal neuron
types and their biophysical properties for computational models of firing
dynamics. Ibid, 2016.
500) G. Ascoli et al.: Modeling dendritic arbors. CRCNS PI Mtg, Paris,
France, October 2016.
501) G. Ascoli: Data-driven neuroinformatics. Int. School Bioinf. Comp.
Neurosci. Bogota’, Colombia, October 2016.
502) G. Ascoli: Computational neuroanatomy. BIH Conference, Omaha, NE,
October 2016.
503) G. Ascoli et al.: A decade of NeuroMorpho.Org. SfN16, San Diego, CA,
November 2016.
504) X. Liu, G. Ascoli, et al.: BigNeuron: large-scale reconstruction
analysis. Ibid, 2016.
505) Z. Zhou, G. Ascoli, et al.: Bench-testing for automatic neuron
reconstruction. Ibid, 2016.
506) R. Armananzas, G. Ascoli, et al.: Fly circuit profiling by machine
learning. Ibid, 2016.
507) S. Nanda, G. Ascoli, et al.: Next-generation neural reconstructions.
Ibid, 2016.
508) D. Wheeler, G. Ascoli, et al.: v1.1: increasing
open-access knowledge of neuron type properties for the rodent hippocampus.
Ibid, 2016.
509) S. Venkadesh, G. Ascoli, et al.: Efficient modeling of
electrophysiological diversity in hippocampal neurons. Ibid, 2016.
510) Y. Li, G. Ascoli, et al.: Computational topology to analyze neuron
shape. Ibid, 2016.
511) C. White, G. Ascoli, et al.: Molecular fingerprinting of hippocampal
neurons. Ibid, 2016.
512) D. Hamilton, G. Ascoli, et al.: A spiking hippocampal model for deep
learning. Ibid, 2016.
513) B. Torben-Nielsen, G. Ascoli, et al.: Future-proof neuron morphology.
Ibid, 2016.
514) G. Ascoli et al.: Genome-scale profiles of hippocampal principal
neurons. Ibid, 2016.
515) R. Armananzas et al.: Live demo of NeuroMorpho.Org & Ibid, 2016.
516) G. Ascoli: Hippocampal neuron types and network circuitry. HBP
satellite, Ibid, 2016.
517) G. Ascoli et al.: Cloud neuromorphology. Brain PI Mtg, Bethesda, MD,
December 2016.
518) G. Ascoli: Trees of the brain. Bernstein Lecture, Tubingen, Germany,
February 2017.
519) G. Ascoli: Digital neuromorphology: A hands-on demo. Cold Spring
Harbor Lab colloquium, NY, February 2017.
520) G. Ascoli: Firing dynamics in HBP modeling workshop,
Paris, France, May 2017.
521) D. Cox, G. Ascoli, et al.: Molecular substrates of neural growth.
CRCNS mtg, Providence, RI, June 2017.
522) G. Ascoli: Harold and ‘his’ Krasnow Institute: a very personal
account. Morowitz Symposium, Santa Fe, NM, August 2017.
523) D. Wheeler, G. Ascoli, et al.: The knowledge base of
neuron types and properties: from data to models. SfN17, Washington DC,
November 2017.
524) K. Moradi, G. Ascoli, et al.: Synapses in the clouds - augmenting with a knowledge base of glutamatergic and GABAergic
signals. Ibid, 2017.
525) A. Komendantov, G. Ascoli, et al.: Comprehensive classification and
phenotyping of firing patterns in hippocampal neuron types. Ibid, 2017.
526) S. Venkadesh, G. Ascoli, et al.: Multi-behavior hippocampal neuron
dynamics. Ibid, 2017.
527) S. Nanda, G. Ascoli, et al.: Multiplicative impact of digitized neural
arbors. Ibid, 2017.
528) P. Maraver, G. Ascoli, et al.: LiterMate management of scientific
publications. Ibid, 2017.
529) S. Attili, G. Ascoli, et al.: Cell numbers, densities, and regional
variation of the murine hippocampal formation from the Allen Brain Reference
Atlas. Ibid, 2017.
530) G. Ascoli: An open neuroinformatics ecosystem. NITRC highlights. Ibid,
531) G. Ascoli: Training for data science. Neuroinformatics, 15(4), 2017.
532) G. Ascoli: Trees of the mind. Neurosci. Lect., U. Alabama, Birmingham,
November 2017.
533) H. Dong, G. Ascoli, et al.: Anatomical characterization of neuron
types in the mouse brain. Brain Initiative Cell Census Network, Ashburn, VA,
November 2017.
534) G. Ascoli: Green Hippocampus Project. EPFL Lecture, Geneva,
Switzerland, Dec. 2017.
535) G. Ascoli: Open sourcing the brain. NIH Alzheimer’s Summit, Bethesda,
MD, March 2018.
536) G. Ascoli: Cell reconstructions of brain forests. Cajal lecture,
Madrid, Spain, March 2018.
537) H. Dong, G. Ascoli, et al.: Scalable census of projection neuron types
in the mouse brain. BRAIN PI Mtg, Bethesda, MD, April 2018.
538) G. Ascoli: Community feedback on HBP. EU Flagship SGA1 Monitor,
Stockholm, Sweden, May 2018.
539) G. Ascoli: From neural trees to circuit connectivity. Cinvestav Sur
University, Mexico City, June 2018.
540) G. Ascoli: Digital morphology. Cold Spring Harbor Asia Conf., Suzhou,
China, July 2018.
541) G. Ascoli: Multimodal neural classification in rodent hippocampus.
Ibid, 2018
542) G. Ascoli: Reconstructing the brain forest. Allen/SEU Center, Nanjing,
China, July 2018.
543) G. Ascoli: Axonal projections and neuronal classification. Whole-brain
Neural Reconstruction Workshop, Nanjing, China, September 2018.
544) Peng H., Ascoli G., et al.: Automating whole-cell long-range tracings.
Ibid, 2018.
545) G. Ascoli: Trees of the Brain, Roots of the Mind. St. Mary’s College,
MD, September 2018.
546) G. Ascoli: Perspectives on neuron classification. Cell Types for Brain
Function Conf., Copenhagen, Denmark, October 2018.
547) R. Armananzas, G. Ascoli: X-lab validation of interneuron
classification. Ibid, 2018.
548) D. Wheeler, G. Ascoli, et al.: A dynamic, open-access knowledge base
of rodent hippocampal neuron. SfN18, San Diego CA, November 2018.
549) H. Dong, G. Ascoli, et al.: High-throughput anatomical
characterization of projection neuron types of the entire mouse brain. Ibid,
550) G. Ascoli et al.: Open repository for single-cell reconstruction of
brain forests. Ibid, 2018.
551) K. Moradi, G. Ascoli: Integrated electrophysiology of hippocampal
synapses. Ibid, 2018.
552) G. Ascoli: NeuroMorpho.Org turns 100 (thousands). Data Sharing
Workshop, Krasnow Institite, Fairfax VA, February 2019.
553) S. Venkadesh, G. Ascoli, et al.: Practical and scalable quantification
of distinct projection neurons from retrograde tracing. BRAIN Investigators
Mtg, Washington DC, April 2019.
554) K. Mehta, G. Ascoli, et al.: Neuronal classification from network
connectivity. Ibid, 2019.
555) S. Nanda, G. Ascoli, et al.: Quantitatively modeling the dendritic
distributions of microtubules and actin filaments measured in vivo. Ibid,
556) K. Moradi, G. Ascoli: A synaptic knowledge base of the rodent
hippocampus. Ibid, 2019.
557) C. Tecuatl, G. Ascoli, et al.: Estimating probabilities of potential
synaptic connections by axonal-dendritic overlap in local hippocampal
circuits. Ibid, 2019.
558) K. Bijari, G. Ascoli, et al.: Computer-assisted metadata annotation of
digitally reconstructed neural morphology. Ibid, 2019.
559) M. Akram, G. Ascoli, et al.: Searching and comparing neuronal
reconstructions. Ibid, 2019.
560) B. Ljungquist, G. Ascoli, et al.: Automating and scaling storage and
retrieval of digital reconstructions of neuronal and glia morphology. Ibid,
561) S. Venkadesh, G. Ascoli, et al.: Comprehensive modeling coverage of
quantitative firing phenotypes in hippocampal neurons. Ibid, 2019.
562) S. Attili, G. Ascoli, et al.: Estimating populations of hippocampus
neuron types. Ibid, 2019.
563) D. Wheeler, G. Ascoli, et al.: Circuitry-based neuronal classification
from whole-brain, atlas-registered, digital reconstructions of axonal and
dendritic morphology. Ibid, 2019.
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