Monday Seminars
Topics and Speakers in the 2006-2007 Academic Year
No seminar- GMU first day of classes
No seminar- Labor Day
09/11/06 CANCELLED
"The neurobiology of crocodilians and blind cave fish"
Daphne Soares, Biology College of Life Sciences, University of Maryland, College Park
"Besides being big, what else is special about the human brain?"
Chet Sherwood, Department of Anthropology, The George Washington University
"The functional anatomy of typical and impaired reading"
Guinevere Eden, Center for Study of Learning, Georgetown University Medical Center
No Seminar - Yom Kippur
No Seminar - Columbas Day Observed
No Seminar - Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting
Why can I hear you better with my glasses on? (Abstract)
Lynne E. Bernstein, Department of Communication Neuroscience, House Ear Institute, Los Angeles , CA
Very Large Scale Agent Systems and Emergent Macroeconomics (Abstract)
Robert Axtell, Center for Social Complexity, Krasnow Institute, George Mason University
How we see each other move - neuroimaging and behavioral studies (Abstract)
Jim Thompson, Krasnow Institute and Department of Psychology, George Mason University
Cellular Plasticity Cascades: Genes to Behavior Pathways in the Pathophysiology and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder
Dr. Husseini Manji, Director, Mood and Anxiety Disorders Program and Chief, Laboratory of Molecular Pathophysiology, National Institute of Mental Health, The National Institutes of Health
Afferent Regulation of Identified Cell Populations in the Rat Ventral Tegmental Area (Abstract)
Natalia Omelchenko, Department of Neuroscience, University of Pittsburgh
Amyloid Ion Channel Hypothesis for Alzheimer's Disease: A Mechanistic Pathway to Drug Discovery
Harvey Pollard, Dept of Anatomy, Physiology, and Genetics, USU School of Medicine
Engineered microstructures for neural research: investigating migraines,
seizures, and cell cultures (Abstract)
Nathalia Pexioto, Krasnow Institute and Electrical and Computer Engineering, George Mason University
No seminar- GMU first day of classes
Computational Study of Brain Aneurysms
Juan Cebral, Computational and Data Sciences and Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, George Mason University
Imaging cortical synapses and circuits
Karel Svoboda, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Cognitive Studies of Designing (Abstract)
John Gero, Professor of Design Science and Co-Director, Key Centre of Design Computing and Cognition, University of Sydney
No Seminar - President's Day
Information Processing and Storage in Hippocampal Pyramidal Cells
Jeff Magee, Janelia Farm Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
An Introduction to the Orangutan Research Program at Great Ape Trust of Iowa (Abstract)
Rob Shumaker, Great Ape Trust of Iowa
No Seminar - Spring Break
No Krasnow Seminar
We recommend attending Elliot McVeigh's Seminar
Interventional Cardiovascular MRI (Flyer)
Hosted by the Volgenau School of Information Technology & Engineering
3/27/07 *Special Day- Tuesday*
Central Nervous System - Immune System Interactions in Health and Disease (Abstract)
Esther Sternberg, Director, Integrative Neural Immune Program; Chief, Section on Neuroendocrine Immunology and Behavior, National Institute of Mental Health, NIH
No Seminar - Passover
Assessing Microarray Measurements on the Basis of Probe Parameters (Abstract)
Dr. Jennifer W Weller, Dept of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, George Mason University
Cognitive modeling in the aviation domain (Abstract)
Debbie Boehm-Davis, Department of Psychology, George Mason University
The Dynamics of Neural Activity Waves in Neocortex (Abstract)
Dave Pinto, Departments of Biomedical Engineering and Neurobiology & Anatomy, University of Rochester
The neural implementation of selective attention
Ernst Niebur, Krieger Mind/Brain Institute and Department of Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins University
5/7/07 *Begins at 3:00pm*
*Additional Lecture hosted by Neuroscience Graduate Student Organization*
Intrinsic electrical properties of neurons and brain function (Abstract)
Professor Rodolfo Llinas, Thomas and Suzanne Murphy Professor in Neuroscience and Chairman, Department of Physiology and Neuroscience, NYU School of Medicine