Monday Seminars
Topics and Speakers in the 2007-2008 Academic Year
Constructive Memory - From Dewey through Bartlett to Situated Computation (Abstract)
John Gero, Research Professor, Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study and olgenau School of Information Technology and Engineering, George Mason University
Krasnow 2007-12: A vision for a second term as director
Jim Olds, Director and Shelley Krasnow Professor of Neuroscience, Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, George Mason University
9/19/07 Special Presentation
How do we know when we move? -The role of Vestibular Signals in the Posterior Parietal Cortex (Abstract) Werner Graf, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, College of Medicine, Howard University
The Timecourse of Hippocampal Functional Development Parallels the Emergence of Spatial Learning
Ted Dumas, Department of Molecular Neuroscience, Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, George Mason University
No Seminar - Columbus Day
10/15/07 Combining Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches in a Model of CA3 Place Field Formation (Abstract)
John Baker, Center for Neuroinformatics, Neural Structures, and Neuroplasticity, Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, George Mason University
Molecular Mechanisms Governing Class-Specific Dendrite Morphogenesis (Abstract)
Daniel N. Cox, Department of Molecular and Microbiology and Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, George Mason University
Neuromodulation and Time-Dependent Plasticity in a Model of Foraging Behavior (Abstract)
Jeffrey L. Krichmar, The Neurosciences Institute
No Seminar - Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting
No Seminar
The Effects of Environmental Changes on Neuronal Behavior and Network Function
Rob Cressman, Department of Physics and Astronomy and Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, George Mason University
Blast Induced Neurotrauma
James M. Ecklund, MD, Chairman of Neurosciences, Inova Health System
The Irrationality of disagreement (Abstract)
Robin Hanson, Center for Study of Public Choice, George Mason University
Semantic Information, Shannon Information and Entropy as a Mental Construct (Abstract)
Harold Morowitz, Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, Robinson Professor of Biology and Natural Philosophy, George Mason University
Bringing Consciousness to Neuroscience: A Computational Perspective (Abstract)
Alexei Samsonovich, Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, George Mason University
No Seminar - President's Day
Neuroinformatic analysis of human cortical development (Abstract)
David Cooper, George Mason University 3/03/08
What you always wanted to know about Diffusion MRI of the brain but were afraid to ask (Abstract)
Carlo Pierpaoli, Section of Tissue Biophysics & Biomimetics, NIH/NICHD/LIMB
No Seminar - Spring Break
Principled Exploration of Simulation Designs for the Study of Complex Phenomena (Abstract)
Luis Antunes, Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon
Developing Tools for Neuroanatomy and Neurogenetics in Drosophila (Abstract)
Gerald M. Rubin, Director, Janelia Farm Research Campus
The next generation of ultrasound imaging: Opportunities and applications
Siddhartha Sikdar, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, George Mason University
Dendritic Integration in Hippocampus and Entorhinal Cortex
Sonia Gasparini , Neuroscience Center, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center
What might a future George Mason Medical School look like? (Abstract)
Jim Olds, Director and Shelley Krasnow Professor of Neuroscience, Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, George Mason University
No Seminar - Passover
Advances in Super-Resolution Imaging Technologies (Abstract)
Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, Cell Biology and Metabolism Branch, NICHD, NIH
Development of complex skills in great apes: a comparative perspective on social influences
Elizabeth V. Lonsdorf, Director of The Lester E. Fisher Center for the Study and Conservation of Apes, Lincoln Park Zoo and Committee on Evolutionary Biology , The University of Chicago
Monday Seminar Series Archives