Monday Seminars
Topics and Speakers in the 2008-2009 Academic Year
The Academic Year 2008: The Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study (Abstract)
Jim Olds, Director, Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, George Mason University
The Brain as a Chameleon - adaptive changes in auditory and prefrontal cortex during auditory attention (Abstract)
Jonathan Fritz, University of Maryland
Intracellular complexes of the nicotinic receptor revealed by proteomics (Abstract)
Nadine Kabbani, Department of Molecular Neuroscience, Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, George Mason University
No Seminar - Rosh Hashannah
MRI and Volumetric Neuroimaging: Novel Approaches for Assessing the Effects of Pollutants and Harmful Algal Blooms on the Central Nervous System of Marine Mammals (Abstract)
Eric Montie, College of Marine Science, University of South Florida and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
No Seminar -Columbus Day
Modeling the human dimension of pattern-process links in land-use and land-cover change (Abstract)
Dawn Parker, Department of Computational Social Science, Kransnow Institute for Advanced Study and Departments of Environmental Science and Policy, Geography, and
Geoinformation and Earth Systems Science, George Mason University
No Seminar
Neuroscience at the National Science Foundation: Where Pathways Converge
Kathie L. Olsen, Deputy Director and Chief Operating Officer, National Science Foundation
Infinite Nature and Modeling of Innovation in Agent Organizations
Maksim Tsvetovat, Center for Social Complexity, George Mason University
No Seminar - Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting
Synaptic plasticity in development and disease(Abstract)
Ben Philpot, Department of Cell and Molecular Physiology, University of North Carolina
Searching for a Unified Theory of Biochemistry and Biogenesis (Abstract)
Harold Morowitz, Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, Robinson Professor of Biology and Natural Philosophy, George Mason University
01/26/09 CANCELED
Molecular Mechanisms of Long-Term Memory Storage (Abstract)
Ted Abel, Director of Biological Basics of Behavior Prgram, University of Pennsylvania
An fMRI Investigation into Gender Differences During Social Interaction
Frank Krueger, Lead Investigator, Warfighter Head Injury Study, Cognitive Neuroscience Section, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NIH
Striatal Synaptic Plasticity: Roles in Skill and Habit Learning
David Lovinger, Clinical and Biological Research Unit, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, NIH
Functional significance of receptor heteromers in the central nervous system (Abstract)
Sergi Ferre, National Institute on Drug Abuse, IRP, NIH
03/02/09 CANCELED due to weather
Is a Transdisciplinary Perspective on Economic Complexity Possible? (Abstract)
J. Barkley Rosser, Jr., Department of Economics
James Madison University
Dissociating Motor-Spatial and Cognitive Imitation: Evidence of Domain-Specific Individual, Imitation and Observational Learning Mechanisms in Human Children and Non-Human Primates.
Francys Subiaul, Mind, Brain & Evolution Center, Speech & Hearing Science, George Washington University and National Zoological Park, Smithsonian Institution
No Seminar
David Hume and Cognitive Science (Abstract)
Ted Kinnaman, Department of Philosophy, George Mason University
Is a Transdisciplinary Perspective on Economic Complexity Possible? (Abstract)
J. Barkley Rosser, Jr., Department of Economics
James Madison University
No Seminar
Molecular Mechanisms of Long-Term Memory Storage (Abstract)
Ted Abel, Director of Biological Basics of Behavior Program, University of Pennsylvania
Monday Seminar Series Archives