The Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, of George Mason University

George Mason University

Krasnow Institute > Monday Seminars > Abstracts

Publications by Fred Alan Wolf

1. The Spiritual Universe: How Quantum Physics Proves the Existence of the Soul. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996.

2. The Dreaming Universe: A mind-expanding journey into the realm where psyche and physics meet. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1994, Touchstone, 1995. Published in Germany as Die Physik der Träume (The Dreaming Universe in German). Berlin, Germany: Byblos Verlag. 1995.

3. The Eagle's Quest: A Physicist's Search For Truth In The Heart Of The Shamanic World, for Simon & Schuster, New York: 1991. Also Touchstone, 1992. And published in the UK and Australia by Harper/Collins, 1992 and in Spain as La Busqueda Del Aguila (The Eagle's Quest in Spanish). Barcelona, Spain: Los Libros De La Liebre De Marzo, 1994.

4. Parallel Universes: The Search For Other Worlds, for Simon & Schuster, New York. 1989, Touchstone: 1990. Also Published in Germany as Parallele Universen: Die Suche nach anderen Welten by Insel Verlag, in Italy as Universi Paralleli, by Geo , and in Japan and the UK.

5. The Body Quantum: The New Physics Of Body, Mind And Health, for Macmillan Publishing Co., New York. Spring 1986. Also published in England by Heinemann Ltd. and in Germany as Körper, Geist und neue Physik: Eine Synthese der neuesten Erkenntnisse Von Medizin und Moderner Naturwissenschaft (Body, Spirit and New Physics: A synthesis of the newest Findings in Medicine and Science) Scherz Verlag, 1989.

6. Star*Wave: Mind, Consciousness and Quantum Physics. Macmillan, New York, October, 1984. Also published as Mind And The New Physics. by Heinemann Ltd. London, England, March, 1985.

7. Taking The Quantum Leap: The New Physics For Nonscientists. Harper & Row Publishers, Inc., San Francisco, 1981, and revised as Taking The Quantum Leap: The New Physics For Nonscientists. New Edition by Harper/Collins, New York 1989. Also published by Kodansha in Japan, 1992, in Spain, 1996 and as Der Quantensprung Ist Keine Hexerei: Die Neue Physik Für Einsteiger. (The Quantum Jump is Not Witchcraft: the new physics for beginners.) Published by Birkhauser Verlag: Basal, German language edition.

8. Space-Time And Beyond: The New Edition. Bob Toben and Fred Alan Wolf. E.P Dutton & Co., New York, 1982. and as Space-Time And Beyond: The New Edition. Bob Toben and Fred Alan Wolf. Bantam Edition, New York, 1983 updated with a new explanation also published in Portuguese, German, and Japanese based on Space-Time And Beyond. Bob Toben in Conversation with Physicists Jack Sarfatti and Fred Wolf. E. P. Dutton & Co., New York, 1975.

Appropriate artices:

1. "The Quantum Mechanics of Dreams and the Emergence of Self-Awareness." in Toward a Scientific Basis for Consciousness, eds. S. R. Hameroff, A. W. Kaszniak, and A. C. Scott. Boston, MA: The MIT Press, 1996, pp. 451-67.

2. "The Body in Mind" in PSYCHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES Issue 30, Fall-Winter 1994.

3. "The Dreaming Universe," GNOSIS, Vol. 22 Winter 1992.

4. "The Business of Isness: A Look at the Parallel Universes Interpretation of Quantum Physics," LEADERS, Summer 1990. This article has attracted the interests of top management people.

5. "On the Quantum Physical Theory of Subjective Antedating." JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY, Vol. 136, pp. 13-19, 1989.

Audio tapes of which you may wish to avail yourselves.


1. THE QUANTUM FACTOR with FRED ALAN WOLF. The connection between quantum physics and human consciousness forms the centerpoint for Wolf's original and provocative views. He revolutionizes our conception of how the mind works and shows us how quan tum physics is directly related to our physical, psychic and spiritual selves. As a physicist himself, Wolf has made the leap required by quantum theory: to accept the reality of paradox and the insecurity of change. A limitless panorama of exciting possibilities develops during this conversation. Fred Alan Wolf is the author of Taking the Quantum Leap (Harper & Row 1981) and Star Wave: Mind, Consciousness and Quantum Physics (Macmillan 1984). Tape #1930 1 hr. $9.95

2. QUANTUM PHYSICS AND THE BODY/MIND with FRED ALAN WOLF. An amazing journey unfolds as Wolf, a physicist, correlates quantum physics with the basic processes of life and its unfoldment. He tells how human consciousness can be explained in terms of quantum physics and how, through the "observer effect," we can affect our own health and/or disease. According to Wolf, the body quantum has the role of bringing to mind all the forms and contents of the physical world. The future becomes limitless as he describes the enormous implications of the body quantum. He is the author of The Body Quantum (Macmillan 1986), Star Wave (Macmillan 1984) and Taking the Quantum Leap (Harper & Row 1982). Tape #2016 1 hr. $9.95 Members' price: $8.46

3. QUANTUM DREAMS AND REALITIES with FRED ALAN WOLF. If consciousness arises out of matter, reasons this physicist/philosopher, and if dreams are a form of consciousness, does that mean that the universe itself dreams? This enthralling conversation takes us on a guided tour of some of the latest research and most creative current scientific theories about consciousness and dreams. Encompassing the dreams and consciousness of animals; lucid dreams; UFO abductions; quantum physics; telepathy; synchronicity; and much more, Wolf's provocative concepts guide us to a sense of wonder and respect for the mysteries of our dreams, our minds and the universe. "The self does seem to be a construction of the brain-body-mind," he says. "And the dream is a very important laboratory for that construction to take place." Wolf is the author of several books including The Eagle's Quest (Simon & Schuster 1991) and The Dreaming Universe (Simon & Schuster 1994). Topics explored in this dialogue include:

* scientific research and theories related to dreaming and consciousness
* lucid dreams and varying levels of awareness within them
* the difference between Freud's and Jung's concept of dreams
* what quantum physics says about the future "pulling us" toward itself
* how congenitally blind or deaf people experience dreams
* to what degree our behavior is really "conscious"
* the scientific puzzle of UFO abductions
* a thumbnail biography of the brilliant physicist Wolfgang Pauli
* synchronicity as the "key to rich meaning" that holds the self together
* Wolf's own "holographic" theory of how the brain processe dreams
Tape #2427 1 hr. $9.95 Members' price: $8.46

Fred Alan Wolf Video Tapes on Thinking Allowed televison series:

(1) Physics and Consciousness
(2) Shamanic Physics I & II
(3) The Dreaming Universe I & II
(4) The Spiritual Universe I & II

All available from Thinking Allowed, 2560 9th Street, Suite 123,
Berkeley, CA 94710. Fax 1 510 548 4275, email:, available in international UK & Europe
PAL and SECAM formats (please specify).

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