v_e_moto1to6.txt These six gastrocnemius a-motoneurons from the spinal cord of adult cats were labeled with intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase, completely reconstructed from serial sections, and digitized into computer files, by Cullheim et al.: Cullheim S. Fleshman J.W., Glenn L.L., Burke R.E. (1987): Membrane area and dendritic structure in type-identified Triceps Surae alpha motoneurons. J. Comp. Neurol. 255:68-81. We are thankful to Dr. Robert E. Burke for making these data available to us. The original ".anat" files, already corrected for shrinkage, were converted into SWC. The Z coordinate was post-processed to reflect a more accurate value: the original files only contained the depth value of the whole section. The "precise" Z value was calculated from the X and Y position and from the value of the segment length (with Euclide's theorem). The radius of the soma was not contained in the ".anat" files and was thus taken from the published paper. The "ana2swc.awk" program and links to Dr. Burke's lab and the Pubmed abstract of Cullheim et al. paper are provided in the online database.