Basic parameter: Parameter used by the LNeuron program to create virtual cells. Directly measured and encoded in LNeuron
Bif_amp_local: LMeasure function which returns the angle in degrees between the first
two compartments
Bif_amp_remote: LMeasure function which returns the angle in degrees between a
bifurcation point and the end of the two branches it leads to (next terminal
tip or bifurcation).
Bif_tilt_local: LMeasure function which returns the angle in degrees between a father
compartment (last compartment before a bifurcation) and its daughter
compartments (first two compartments following a bifurcation. Smaller of two possible values returned.
Bif_tilt_remote: LMeasure function which returns
the angle in degrees between a father compartment and its two daughter branches
(next terminal tip or bifurcation).
Smaller of two possible values returned.
LMeasure function which returns the angle between the plane of a
bifurcation (defined by the end points of the first two compartments following
a bifurcation) and the plane of the previous bifurcation (defined the same way).
Bif_torque_remote: LMeasure function which returns the angle between the plane of a
bifurcation (defined by the point of bifurcation and the end of it’s two
daughter branches, either the next bifurcation or terminal point) and the plane
of the previous bifurcation (defined the same way).
Branch_pathlength: The LMeasure function which returns the path
length of a branch, that is the distance from bifurcation to the next
bifurcation or termination. Also see
termlength and conslength.
Program which allows viewing and editing of SWC files.
Daughter_Ratio: LMeasure function which returns the ratio of the diameters of the first
segments of the two daughters following a bifurcation. It is defined as the diameter of the larger
daughter / diameter of the smaller daughter.
Also the LNeuron parameter which controls the ratio of the daughter
diameters following a bifurcation.
Dendro1: Software program which takes a digitized neuron in swc format outputs a
separate file for each tree off of the neuron containing a dendrogram
representation of that tree in swc format.
Dendrogram: Two
dimensional representation of the branching pattern of a neuron where length,
diameter and branching are conserved while all angle information is
Diameter: LMeasure function which returns the diameter of a compartment. Used with the specificity N_stems=1 to
extract diameter information on the beginning of a tree (see initdiam).
Diam_threshold: LMeasure function which returns the diameters of the two compartments
half way between a bifurcation leading to directly to two terminal tips and
those tips themselves. Also the LNeuron parameter which controls the
diameter value below which a dendritic process will not bifurcate.
Emergent parameter:
Parameter which is not directly encoded in the LNeuron algorithm. Used as a check to determine if the
algorithm is accurately and completely representing the real neurons.
Ibf_Branch_pathlength: LNeuron parameter which controls the length of interbifurcation
branches. Measured using LMeasure
function Branch_pathlength with a specificity of N_tips >= 1.
Length: LMeasure
function which returns the length of a compartment. Sum line is used to get total length of a dendritic process.
Lmeasure: Software package which extracts many shape parameters from digitized
LNeuron: Software program which uses statistical distributions measured from
real cells to create virtual cells.
N_bifs: LMeasure
function which returns 1 if compartment is a bifurcation point (leads directly
to two daughter compartments). Sum of
bifurcations used as an emergent parameter.
N_stems: LMeasure function which returns one if compartment is a stem (connected
to the soma). Also LNeuron parameter
which controls how many trees of a given type are on each generated neuron.
N_tips: LMeasure
function which returns the number of terminal tips a compartment leads to. Used as a specificity to separate terminal
from interbifurcation branches (will be one for terminal tips, greater than one
for all interbifurcation branches).
PK: The LMeasure
function which returns the value which creates the best fit in the Ralls
formula (PK*dpralls=d1ralls+d2ralls) where dp, d1, and d2 are the diameters of
the parent and two daughters respectively. The Lmeasure functions Poliko_15 (
called Poliko_classic in older LMeasure versions) and Poliko_2 return this
value for each bifurcation assuming a Ralls exponent of 1.5 and 2 respectively.
The Poliko function returns this value using the Ralls value computed for each
bifurcation. Also The LNeuron parameter
which adjusts the Ralls formula according to (PK*dpralls=d1ralls+d2ralls) where dp, d1, and d2 are the diameters of
the parent and two daughters respectively Poliko: (PK).
LMeasure function which returns the exponent in the Ralls formula (dpralls=d1ralls+d2ralls) where dp, d1, and d2 are the diameters of
the parent and two daughters respectively. The two classic values are 2
(conserves volume), and 1.5 (conserves surface area). Also the LNeuron parameter which controls the Ralls power
exponent used to generate the diameter of the first daughter based on the
diameter of the parent compartment.
Stem_Diameter: LNeuron parameter which controls the starting diameter of a generated
dendritic tree. Measured using LMeasure
diameter function with a specificity of N_stems = 1.
LMeasure function which returns the length independent percent of
decrease in diameter. Defined as
initial diameter – end diameter / initial diameter. Also the LNeuron parameter which controls the change in diameter
as a dendritic process is generated.
Term_Branch_pathlength: Length of a segment from the last
bifurcation in a branch to the terminal tip. Measured using the LMeasure
function Branch_pahtlength with the specificity of N_tips=1.
Volume: LMeasure function which returns the volume
enclosed by a compartment. The sum line
of this returned data is used to get the volume occupied by and entire
dendritic process. Used as an emergent