12. References and Acknowledgements
- We are greatly indebted to Laurens Lapres’ for making the source code of L-parser available to us. The L-parser package (including L-viewer) and links to many L-system sites and tutorial are available at: http://www.xs4all.nl/~ljlapre
- We acknowledge the contribution of Chris Lichti, author of the Lsys user interface (http://www.mindspring.com/~chlichti/html/lsys32.html), who is helping adapt it to LN.
- Hillman’s algorithm is described in Hillman, D.E.: “Neuronal shape parameters and substructures as a basis of neuronal form” In: The Neurosciences, Fourth study program (Schmitt, F., ed.) 477-498 (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1979).
- Tamori’s modification of Hillman’s algorithm is described in Tamori, Y.: “Theory of dendritic morphology” Phys. Rev. E 48(4):3124-3129 (1993).
- Burke’s algorithm is described in Burke, R.E.; Marks, W.B.; Ulfhake, B.: “A parsimonious description of motoneurons dendritic morphology using computer simulation” J. Neurosci. 12(6): 2403-2416 (1992).
- We thank Dr. Larry Hunter for suggesting the use of L-systems to describe dendritic morphology. A previous attempt of such an application is reported in Hamilton, P.: “A language to describe the growth of neurites” Biol. Cyber. 68: 559-565 (1993).
- One of the most noticeable electronic databases of neuroanatomy is the Southampton - Duke morphological archive: http://www.neuro.soton.ac.uk/cells/cellArchive.html
- This work is supported in part by HBP grant R01-NS39600-01 (NINDS) to GAA.