Common parameters and allowable values -m / --measure-mode (refers to modes defined in org.krasnow.cng.domain.Asymmetry) 1: Nodes 2: Euclidean distance 3: Path distance (default) 4: Surface area 5: Volume -I / --input-dir Reads all swc files within this directory or under subdirectory "CNG Version" or "CNGVersion" -O / --output-file Full path and name of output file. A .csv extension will automatically be added. * means the parameter is required () values in parentheses is the default value lib JSAP-2.1.jar - Contains methods for program parameter rules and extraction bigal.jar - Tools for big integer math org.krasnow.cng.caulescence - Contains classes with main method AllNMCaulescenceCompare - Produces results for different multi-path caulescence methods - Parameters -m / --measure-mode (3) -I / --input-dir (C:/swcData/NM/) -O / --output-file (NM-caulCompare) AsymCompare - Produces .csv file of various types of asymmetry values for each tree - Parameters -m / --measure-mode (3) -I / --input-dir (C:/swcData/NM/) -O / --output-file (asymComparison) GenerateCaulescenceResults - Produces .csv file of asymmetry and caulescence values for each metric type for each tree -I / --input-dir (C:/swcData/NM/) -O / --output-file (NM-caulescence) RewriteSwcWithCaulescence - Rewrites Swc file with different node types for nodes on the caulescent path - Paramters -S / --swc-dir* Directory in which your targetted file resides -O / --output-dir* Directory in which your resulting file should be placed -N / --neuron* Name of the swc file without the .swc or .CNG.swc extension -m / --measure-mode (1) -a / --arbor-type (0) 0: All 2: Axon 3: Dendrite (Basal for pyramidal neurons) 4: Apical Dendrite --multi-branch 1: MergeDown 2: ByNode 3: Selective 4: Exhaustive -s / --size-mode (0) 0: Sum 1: Max -d / --dendrite (0) If one of several dendrites is being targetted, this parameter picks which one --separate (false) If true, each tree is placed in its own output file -t / --main-path-type (6) Sets the swc node type for main paths. If 0, each arbor type will have its own type (5-axon,6-dendrite,7-apical) SecondaryBranchAsymmetry - Determines asymmetry of non-main-path nodes along with distance values SwcToCaulescence - Produces an output of caulescence at each node of an SWC file DataReader - Functions for reading in meta data DataWriter - Simple class for writing/appending string output to a file ReadSWC - Primary class for reading swc files into java data structures org.krasnow.cng.domain Asymmetry - Holds data members associated with asymmetry measures BinaryTreeNode DistributionBean DoubleLinkedListNode LinkedQueue LinkedStack Neuron - Holds meta data about the neuron, as well as a soma object NeuronProcess - Holds ParentedBinaryTreeNode as tree root, as well as Neuron object for identification NodePair ParentedBinaryTreeNode - Extends BinaryTreeNode with a link to a parent node Soma - Contains NeuroProcess for dendrite(s), apical dendrite(s), and axon SwcDataNode SwcSecondaryData SwcTreeNode - Tree node (non-binary) that contains swc data TreeNode XYBean org.krasnow.cng.generate BinaryTreeGenerator - Generates binary trees via several different methods org.krasnow.cng.resources Constants - Contains references to properties files, as well as mapping an common parameter definitions DataProperties ProjectProperties - Helper for loading properties related to the project. Loads from resources/conf/ org.krasnow.cng.utils BinaryTreeUtils - Important utility class for caulescence, asymmetry, and other binary tree calculations - Includes a number of attempted multi-path algorithms. StringUtils SwcDataUtils resources swcCellTypes.txt - Flat text file containing all cells from SWC files and their basic meta data ca1.txt - List of all CA1 cells ca3.txt resources/conf - Contains location of meta data file relative to the resource directory - Requires a definition of the working directory