Files are described individually in FileList.txt. Executable classes (those with main methods) are all in org.krasnow.cng.caulescence and can be run from the command line. For instance, GenerateCaulescenceResults can be run using the following command: java org.krasnow.cng.caulescence.GenerateCaulescenceResults -m 1 -I C:/caulescenceResults This command must be run from the directory containing all of the class directories. If more memory is needed for a given task, the following command can be used: java -Xmx512m org.krasnow.cng.caulescence.GenerateCaulescenceResults whereby 512MB will be allocated to Java. You can choose whatever value you wish that your system can support. As both .java and .class files are included, you do not need to compile the source. However you can modify the source and recompile. I recommend Eclipse (a free open source JAVA IDE). Questions and comments can be directed to Todd Gillette