Main references (data with "?" refer to a reasonable guess; with
"??" to a total guess):
Morphology: Same as polymorphic cells?!
Number and connectivity: Bernard and Wheal,
Biochemistry and physiology: Freund and Buzsaki,
1996; Koh et al., 1995.
Type: Interneurons, inhibitory (GABA)
Number: 4000
Location (CA1): Soma in stratum oriens/alveus, axons in stratum
radiatum, dendrites in all layers.
Explicit morphological data: Southampton archive (cells l18, l82 etc.)
Notes: See also the physiological characterization by McBain
and Maccaferri (1997).
Axonal output (number of cells contacted, with one synapse unless
specified; in parenthesis: number of cells of that type):
180,000 CA1 pc (300,000)
800 CA1 bc (4000)
200 CA1 cc (1000)
800 CA1 lm (4000)
Axo-somatic input:
GABA ?100 SHP on soma and dendrites (climbing)
GABA 800 CA1 bc (1000) on soma
Dendritic input:
Glu 12,000 CA3 pc (200,000) on shaft [None
according to Freund and Buzsaki, 1996]
Glu 200,000 CA1 pc (300,000) on shaft
Dendrites: AMPA, CCa?, NMDA?
Soma: GABA-A?, GABA-B, CNa, CK?, ED
Axon: CNa, CK?, EC, EP.