Computational Neuroanatomy Group

Welcome to the Computational Neuroanatomy Group at the Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study

Research Interests Personnel Publications
The Computational Neuroanatomy Group is a multidisciplinary research team devoted to the study of basic neuroscience. We are specifically interested in the description and generation of dendritic morphology, and in its effect on neuronal electrophysiology. In the long term, we seek to create large-scale, anatomically plausible neural networks to model entire portions of a mammalian brain (such as a hippocampal slice, or a cortical column).
Positions available Software and links

Computational Neuroanatomy Group
Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study
George Mason University
Mail Stop 2A1
Fairfax, Virginia 22030-4444
Fax: (703)993-4325

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