Other Events Past
From time to time the Institute or one of its laboratories has the opportunity to feature a speaker outside of our regular Monday seminar schedule, or the Institute may collaborate with other GMU departments to host a distinguished speaker. While the occasional workshop or conference generally requires registration/invitation, lectures are free and open to any one with an interest in the topic. With the exception of our Monday seminars, all these past events are listed here.
Monday 5/18/09
Sponsored by the GMU Neuroscience Graduate Student Organization:
Title: Controlling Chaotic Activity in Neural Networks
Speaker: Larry Abbott
William Bloor Professor, Neuroscience, Physiology & Cellular Biophysics, Biological Sciences, and
Co-Director, Center for Theoretical Neuroscience, Columbia University
Time : 3:00PM
Location: Krasnow Institute, Rm 229 (directions)
Wednesday, 9-19-07
The GMU Health Professions Advising Office & the Undergraduate-Faculty Apprenticeship Program
Title: Research Presentation (Neurobiology of Vocal Communication)
Speaker: Erich Jarvis
Associate Professpr of Neurobiology, Duke University Medical Center
Time : 8:00PM with reception
Location: Harris Theater
August 13, 2007
Krasnow Institute
Title: Neuroanatomy of Creativity
Speaker: Rex Jung
University of New Mexico and the MIND Institute
Time : 4:00PM
Location: Krasnow Institute, Rm 229 (directions)
May 21-22, 2007
Title: Decade of the Mind
Location: Fairfax Campus, George Mason University
Krasnow Contact: Joey Carls, 703-993-4333
May 7, 2007
Title: Intrinsic electrical properties of neurons and brain function
Speaker: Dr. Rodolfo Llinas, M.D., Ph.D.
Hosted by: Neuroscience Graduate Student Organization
Location: Krasnow Lecture Hall, Fairfax Campus, GMU
Time: 3:00-4:30pm
*See the Monday Seminar page for additional information*
Tuesday, 9-30-03
Lev Vekker Memorial Lecture
Title: From Neurons to Cognition: Plastic Brain Mechanisms in
Development, Learning and Memory, and Pathology
Speaker: William
T. Greenough, Beckman Institute, University of Illinois
Time : 10:30am
Location: Krasnow Institute, Rm 229
Monday, 1-13-03
Krasnow Institute and School of Computational Sciences
Title: Estrogen and Synaptic Plasticity in the Hippocampus
Speaker: Nancy Desmond
Department of Neurosurgery, University of Virginia Health System Charlottesville,
Time : 4:00PM
Location: Krasnow Institute, Rm 229 (directions)
Friday, 5-03-02
Title: Neural Mechanisms of Attention
Speaker: Ian Steele-Russell
Department of Anatomy, Texas A&M University
Time : 11:00am
Location: Krasnow Institute, Rm 229 (directions)
Monday, 4-29-02
Society for Neuroscience, Potomac Chapter, Grass Lecture
Title: Speculations and Simulations on the Early Visual System.
Speaker: Donald Glaser
Graduate School of Neurobiology, University of California, Berkeley
Dr. Glaser's research ranges from psychophysical experiments of subliminal
cues in stereopsis to massively parallel computational models of the primary
visual cortex. For more on Don Glaser: http://mcb.berkeley.edu/faculty/NEU/glaserd.html
Time : 4:00PM
Location: Krasnow Institute, Rm 229 (directions)
Friday, 4-20-01
Title: Prion Diseases: How a Crazy Protein Led to a Mad Cow
Speaker: Paola Pergami, M.D., Ph.D. World Health Organization (Geneve,
Time: 10:30am
Location: Krasnow Institute, Lecture Room 229
Contact: Giorgio Ascoli (703-993-4383)
Thursday, 12-14-00
Society for Neuroscience, Potomac Chapter, Grass Lecture
Title: Two Problems for Neuroscience: the Topic and the Subject
of Consciousness
Speaker: Daniel Dennett
Director, Center for Cognitive Studies, Tufts University
Time : 4:00PM
Location: Krasnow Institute, Rm 229 (directions)
Complex Synchronization in Neuroscience Workshop
May 19-20, 2000
An NIH-sponsored, Krasnow-hosted, 2-day conference on the role of nonlinear
synchronization in biology and neuroscience, organized by Dr. Steven Schiff.
More description and background information is available at http://complex.gmu.edu/neural/events/synch00.html
Friday, 11-5-99
Society for Neuroscience, Potomac Chapter, Grass Lecture
Title: Brain and Machines: Learning to See
Speaker: Dr. Tomaso Poggio
Whitaker Professor of Vision Sciences and Biophysics, Department of Brain
and Cognitive Sciences, MIT
Time: 3:00PM
Location: Krasnow Institute, Rm 229 (directions)
Thursday, October 7, 1999
7:00 p.m.
Between Intelligent Apes and Smart Computers, Is There Anything Left
for Human Beings?
-- James Trefil, Clarence
J. Robinson Professor of Physics, George Mason University
Location: INOVA/Fairfax Hospital's Physicians Conference Center Auditorium,
Fairfax, VA
Thursday, 7-8-99
Title: Inheritance without biopolymers in a computer model for
primordial evolution
Speaker: Daniel Segre'
Dept. of Molecular Genetics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Time : 2:00PM
Location: Krasnow Institute, Rm 229 (directions)
Biomimetics for Network Security Workshop
June 11-13 ,1999
The Office of Naval Research is sponsoring a workshop whose goal will
be to identify technologies that are inspired by biological foundation
and that, when matured, may contribute to a significant increase in network
security capability.
Examples from our current knowledge of biological systems, generally,
such as diversity and redundancy, and from specific systems, such as immunity
physiology, are already suggesting opportunities for reverse-engineering
breakthrough. This workshop will attempt to clarify our opportunity to
exploit such concepts, and to identify the many others that have achieved
some level of technical maturity.
The meeting
Tuesday, 4-13-99
Joint Seminar--Krasnow Institute and the School of Information Technology
and Engineering, George Mason University
Title: ATR's Artificial Brain Project
Speaker: Dr. Hugo de Garis
ATR Labs, Kyoto, Japan
Time: 2:00PM
Location: Krasnow Institute, Rm 229 (directions)
Tuesday, 3-30-99
The Medical Library in Changing Times
-- Dr. Donald
Director, National Library of Medicine
Time: 3:30PM
Location: Krasnow Institute, Rm 229 (directions)
A reception follows the lecture.
Friday, 2-05-99
Affective Animated Agents: Some Computer Vision and Graphics Issues
--Thomas S. Huang
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Coordinated Science Laboratory
Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Time: 2:00PM
Location: Krasnow Institute, Rm 229 (directions)
Friday, 12-04-98
Asleep in the Field: Nightime Brain Imaging at 1.5 T
--Jeffrey P. Sutton, MD, PhD
Neural Systems Group, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical
Time: 1:00PM
Location: Krasnow Institute, Rm 229 (directions)
Tuesday, 10-06-98
Society for Neuroscience, Potomac Chapter, Grass Lecture
Title: Neuromodulation and memory function.
Speaker: Michael Hasselmo
Department of Psychology, Boston University
Time : 4:00PM
Location: Krasnow Institute, Rm 229 (directions)
from the event
Periodic Orbits in Biology
July 11-12, 1998
On July 11-12, 1998, Krasnow hosted an International Workshop on Periodic
Orbit Theory in Biology, sponsored by the Theoretical and Computational
Division of the National Institutes of Mental Health. The workshop attracted
the world's authorities on this subject, which is a rapidly evolving interface
between modern physics theory with cutting edge biology. The meeting was
host to the presentation of work from nearly every laboratory working
on this subject experimentally, and the scientists had the chance to present
their data to many of the theorists who had been instumental in developing
the framework for their analysis.
Bioinformatics Workshop
February 3-4, 1998
This workshop, which included a panel of more than 20 experts in bioinformatics
and related fields, was organized to provide advice to the Subcommittee
on Biotechnology, Committee on Science, National Science and Technology
Council. Conclusions of the workshop have been published in the report
Alzheimer's Disease: A Challenge for the 21st Century
Wednesday, March 26, 1997, 8:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Johnson Center, Multipurpose Room George
Mason University, Fairfax Campus
Daniel L. Alkon, M.D.
Chief, Laboratory of Adaptive Systems, National Institutes of Health
Memory Traces In The Brain: Early Targets for Alzheimer's Disease
Donald Price, M.D.
Professor of Neurology, Johns Hopkins University Medical School
Alzheimer's Disease and Model Systems
Rudolph E. Tanzi, Ph.D.
Director, Genetics and Aging Unit, Harvard Medical School Molecular
Analysis of the Genes Responsible for Familial Alzheimer's Disease
Evolution, Neurobiology and Behavior Workshop
May 31 - June 4, 1995
A second major meeting activity of The Krasnow Institute was the convening
of an international workshop on Evolution, Neurobiology and Behavior.
This meeting brought together 55 experts in evolutionary biology, animal
behavior, neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, modeling, and systematics, to
focus on animal cognition from the perspective of the evolution of neural
structures and behaviors. This was an intensive five day workshop devoted
to dialog and information exchanges. The range of animals discussed included
mammals, cephalopods, fish, insects, echinoderms, snails, frogs, nematodes,
and sea anemones. The attendees found the content and format of the meeting
to be highly conducive to a productive and intellectually broadening experience.
Other sponsors included The Santa Fe Institute, The National Center for
Research Resources, The National Institute of Mental Health, and Woods
Hole Marine Biological Laboratory. Attached is a list of attendees
and the titles of their talks.
Evolution, Neurobiology and Behavior: Abstracts and Bibliographies is available through The Krasnow Institute.
The Mind, The Brain, and Complex
Adaptive Systems
Since its inception, The Krasnow Institute has held several major
conferences that have helped to define its mission. Paramount among those
was its first major conference The Mind, The Brain, and Complex Adaptive
Systems. The three day conference brought together as speakers, twelve
of the world's outstanding scholars in cognitive psychology, neurobiology,
and computation and complexity theory. The conference was sponsored by
The Krasnow Institute with co-sponsorship by The Santa Fe Institute, a
national center of complexity studies. The meetings were held on the Fairfax
campus of George Mason University. Each of the sessions drew over 500
attendees. The conference culminated in a banquet at which The Krasnow
Institute was officially launched in May, 1993.
The conference proceedings were published as Volume XXII in The Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity (Addison-Wesley) (table of contents), and the volume has been one of the best sellers in the series.
Last Update: 04-18-03