Molecular Layer Perforant Path Cells (mopp)

Main references (data with "?" refer to a reasonable guess; with "??" to a total guess):
Morphology: Freund and Buzsaki, 1996, and references therein.
Number and connectivity: Freund and Buzsaki, 1996, and references therein.
Biochemistry and physiology: Assumed the same as for basket cells.

Type: Interneurons, inhibitory (GABA).
Number: ?10,000
Location (Dentate Gyrus): Soma, axon and dendrites in the molecular layer.

Explicit morphological data: Not available?

Notes: As for other interneurons, missing data for morphology and biochemistry may be filled in with basket cells.


Axonal output (number of cells contacted, with one synapse unless specified; in parenthesis: number of cells of that type):
14,200 DG gc (1,000,000)
15? DG cc (1000)
150? DG bc (10,000)

Axo-somatic input:
GABA ?350 SHP on soma and dendrites (climbing)

Dendritic input:
Glu 800 DG gc (1,000,000) on basal dendrites ?!
Glu 1000? DG mc (30,000) on shaft?
Glu 1000? EC (200,000) on shaft?
GABA ?? DG gpc (15,000) on shaft?


Dendrites: AMPA, NMDA?, CCa, ?
Soma: GABA-A?, GABA-B, CNa, CK?, ED, ?
Axon: ?, CNa, CK?, EP, EC.

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